Exam Sign-Up

Sign-up at least 14 days before your exam (applies to all timed assessments)

Request a Mentor

What's Involved?

You’ll meet with your mentor on a regular basis, between 1 and 2 hours per week. What areas do you want to work on most? You’re encouraged to identify and share your goals in each session. This will allow your mentor to effectively support you. Sessions with your mentor are a safe, supportive, and confidential space.

Be respectful of your mentor’s commitment to supporting you. Make sure to be on time for meetings and communicate any concerns with your mentor or a staff member.

We will never disclose a mentee's diagnosis with your mentor, nor any other personal or medical information deemed confidential.

The Mentee Experience

There is so much to gain from being mentored, including:

  • Increased self-awareness: identify personal strengths and barriers
  • Increased autonomy: learn academic skills and strategies that you can rely on throughout your studies
  • Increased competence: Use the new tools at your disposal!
  • Communication skills: through discussions with mentors
“I learned to be better able to define my needs and what I was struggling with. I also learned some study strategies.”
- Student Mentee (Fall 2022)
“I’ve regained confidence in myself as a student and have more of a complete idea of my next steps for my future in academic and professional settings.”
- Student Mentee (Winter 2023)

Apply Now

You can apply anytime.  If you're applying mid-semester it can be challenging to find an appropriate match.  If we're unable to find you a mentor, you may only be contacted at the beginning of the next semester.

Do you have an active academic accommodation plan with Student Accessibility and Achievement? Request a mentor in ClockWork.

All other McGill students can request a mentor using the form below.

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