FSCI 396 - Research Project in Science Teaching and Learning
FSCI 396 is an elective 3-credit independent study course that brings students, faculty, and staff together to perform projects aimed at researching and addressing issues in science education at the university level. Those who wish to undertake a longer project can complete FSCI 398 D1/D2 (two term 6-credit version of FSCI 396); and FSCI 397 is available for those who would like to undertake a second project (one term 3-credit).
FSCI 396 is a partnership between students, faculty, and staff
Working within the framework of Students as Partners in Higher Education, FSCI 396 projects bring Science students, faculty, and staff into the field of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Students engage with the pedagogical literature and address teaching and learning topics such as the assessment of McGill Science course activities, research into topic-related misconceptions, and research into and design of innovative teaching and learning strategies. Each term, the cohort of students, faculty, and staff participating in FSCI 396 meet weekly with a coordinator from the Office of Science Education and experts to form a diverse learning community.
What type of projects are available in FSCI 396?
FSCI 396 projects are full research projects that connect with the primary literature and data. They can range from design through evaluation of course and program activities. Examples of recent research projects are: “Designing e-learning material that aims at developing higher skills in biochemistry”, “Analyzing and reconfiguring an adapted flipped class model for PHYS 102”, and “Virtual FRezCa: taking a student learning community online”. For more examples, see the FSCI 396 past projects list.
Requirements for FSCI 396
Currently FSCI 396 / 397 / 398 are restricted to BSc and BASC students. FSCI 396 and FSCI 397 are offered every term, while FSCI 398D1/D2 spans the fall and winter terms. For details, please see the current eCalendar descriptions:
FSCI 396
Res Proj: Sci Teach&Learning 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Faculty of Science: Introduces undergraduate Science students to pedagogical research, educational assessment, and resource design in university-level science education. Examples of research topics include assessment of course activity effectiveness, research into topic-related misconceptions, research into and application of innovative teaching and learning strategies. This course contains a significant research and/or design component that requires substantial supervised work by the student.
The course workload is expected to be 9 hours of research activities per week for a 13 week period. Students will be co-supervised by the Coordinator, who will provide advice and access to pedagogical resources, and a Professor teaching in a Faculty of Science course (Supervisor), who will participate in formulating the research proposal, provide context and background information.
Offered by: Science
- Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least one term of undergraduate studies and a CGPA of at least 3.0, or permission of instructor.
- Restriction: Open to students in programs offered by the Faculty of Science or the Bachelor of Arts and Science, with permission of the Course Coordinator. By Faculty of Science regulation, students cannot be supervised by the same instructor for two ‘396-series’ research project courses. In the case of students and supervisors wishing to do a Science Teaching and Learning research project after completing any ‘396-series’ research project together, there is the option to apply for an FSCI 397 project.
- Enrolment may be limited. Students are advised to start the application process well before the start of the term and to plan for an alternative course in the case that no suitable project or supervisor is available. Individual projects may be suggested each term that may have project specific prerequisites (e.g. having successfully completed the course in question if the proposed project involves investigation of or resource development for a particular course). Students may also approach professors or the Office of Science Education to devise their own projects. See https://mcgill.ca/ose/fsci-396 science/ours for more information about available projects and application forms and procedures.
FSCI 397
Res Proj: Sci Teach&Learning 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Faculty of Science: Introduces undergraduate Science students to pedagogical research, educational assessment, and/or resource design in university-level science education. Examples of research topics include assessment of course activity effectiveness, research into topic-related misconceptions, research into and application of innovative teaching and learning strategies. This course contains a significant research and/or design component that requires substantial supervised work by the student. The course workload is expected to be 9 hours of research activities per week for a 13 week period. Students will be co-supervised by the Coordinator, who will provide advice and access to pedagogical resources, and a Professor teaching in a Faculty of Science course (Supervisor), who will participate in formulating the research proposal, provide context and background information. The Coordinator and Supervisor will both evaluate the student based on a written final report, overall research performance and an oral presentation.
Offered by: Science
- Prerequisite: Successful completion of FSCI 396 and a CGPA of at least 3.0, or permission of the instructor.
- Restrictions: Open to students in programs offered by the Faculty of Science or the Bachelor of Arts and Science, with permission of the Course Coordinator. This course cannot be taken under the S/U option.
- Note: Enrolment may be limited. Students are advised to start the application process well before the start of the term and to plan for an alternative course in the case that no suitable project or supervisor is available. Individual projects may be suggested each term that may have project-specific prerequisites (e.g. having successfully completed the course in question if the proposed project involves investigation of or resource development for a particular course). Students may also approach professors or the Office of Science Education to devise their own projects. See https://www.mcgill.ca/ose/fsci-396 for more information about available projects, application forms and procedures.
FSCI 398
Course not available