St. Mary's Interdisciplinary Team

Anne Lacourse is an Accredited Music Therapist for the Cancer Care program at St-Mary's Hospital.  Her teaching activities include informal teaching for interns in palliative care.   Her past presentations about music therapy and "legacy work" in Cancer Care for St-Mary's hospital staff, and at the "1er congrès francophone 'accompagnement et de soins palliatifs" in Lyon, France.  Her areas of expertise and interest include relaxation and guided imagery for patients who are going through chemotherapy treatments, "Legacy work" with patients in Cancer Care, grief and bereavement, and meaning-centered psychotherapy group and resilience.
Kim Mai has a Bachelor of Business Administration from UQAM with a professional background of more than 20 years in volunteer management, fundraising and event planning for different organizations including Unicef, the MS Society, SkyVenture Montreal and the International Emergency Medicine Congress.  Kim is experienced in managing internships, teaching human resources as well as staff and volunteer recruitment and management at The Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (corporate event coordination program) and at Cegep de Saint-Hyacinthe (Vatel Quebec Institute).  Kim has been the Palliative Care and Cancer Care Volunteer Coordinator at St. Mary’s Hospital Center since 2015.


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