David Rothwell

Assistant Professor

College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Oregon State University
Waldo Hall, room 462
2250 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Tel.: 514-737-1081
E-mail: Click here
Office: Waldo Hall, room 462

Departmental Profile

Dr. Rothwell is an Assistant Professor in the College of Public Health at Oregon State University, and an Adjunct Professor at McGill's School of Social Work. He holds a postdoctoral fellowship at the National University of Singapore and had practiced as a social worker in mental health and community economic development. His research is primarily concerned with questions such "what are the levels and trends of poverty over time and across the life course?" and "what are the causes and consequences of poverty and how do these vary across family structures?" He aims to understand the mechanisms driving social and economic inequalities. He is currently researching child poverty across countries and over time, poverty measurement based on financial assets and net worth, financial stability of families with a child with a neurodevelopmental disability, and factors that influence financial capability and inclusion. Much of this work compares policies and institutional frameworks between the US, Canada, and other OECD countries.

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