
Dr. Leon Tourian receives AMI-Québec 2022 Exemplary Psychiatrist Award

This award is given by AMI-Québec in recognition of Dr. Tourian’s work with vulnerable members of society and increasing sensitivity to their needs to improve collaborations and enhance care. It is in appreciation of his part in changing the landscape in the attitude of practitioners and families recognizing that mental illness and mental health challenges are a ‘family affair. The award will be officially presented at AMI-Québec’s Annual General Meeting.

Published: 25 Apr 2022

Dr. Gabriella Gobbi featured in La Presse

Traitements psychologiques | Avancées montréalaises sur les drogues psychédéliques

Published: 25 Apr 2022

AFTD/ADDF Grantees to Study Potential FTD Treatments and Biomarkers

AFTD grants support scientists as they conduct vital research into advancing our understanding of FTD. Several newly awarded grants are driving hope for a future where FTD can be detected earlier in the disease process and effectively treated.

Published: 22 Apr 2022

Dr. Srividya Iyer quoted in Global & Mail

How mental health training for regular citizens is helping to fill Canada’s therapy gap

Published: 19 Apr 2022

Dr. Srividya Iyer featured in Canadian Immigrant

Ninth annual ‘Immigrant Women of Inspiration’ features four women pushing boundaries in science and technology

Published: 19 Apr 2022

Dr. Jaswant Guzder appointed to CPA's structural racism task force

Congratulations to Dr. Jaswant Guzder who was appointed to Canadian Psychiatric Association’s (CPA) structural racism task force. This task force focuses on a number of important mandates including proposing specific actions and recommendations to eliminate structural racism, provide education and resources on Canadian psychiatry’s history regarding structural racism, etc.

Published: 12 Apr 2022

Dr. Alain Brunet on TEDx Talk

La thérapie de la reconsolidation by Dr. Alain Brunet.

Published: 7 Apr 2022

Dr. Karine Igartua featured in La Presse

Changement de sexe à l’état civil | Pas moins de 659 demandes autorisées au Québec en 2021

Published: 7 Apr 2022

Dr. Myrna Lashley quoted on CBC

Quebec's 6th wave could be as bad as the last, health expert warns

Published: 5 Apr 2022

Dr. Gabriella Gobbi featured in the media

Montreal researchers find that, like Prozac, LSD may be useful for anxiety treatment. CTV News

Soigner l’anxiété à petites doses de LSD. Le Devoir

Published: 5 Apr 2022

Dr. Marco Leyton quoted on Verywell Mind

Experts Identify Three Key Factors That Determine Mental Illness

..."These features represented some of the best-supported risk factors thought to influence multiple mental health problems," says the study's senior author Marco Leyton, PhD. "Our study is unique because we had the unprecedented opportunity to study all three factors together."

Verywell Mind

Published: 5 Apr 2022

Dr. Jai Shah honoured by the Schizophrenia International Research Society

Dr. Jai Shah was named the 2022 Research Excellence Awardee, a distinguished prize that will be officially awarded at the 2022 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society in Florence, Italy on 6-10 April 2022. The Research Excellence Award is given to a mid-career researcher who has shown exceptional research in the field of schizophrenia research and promising research trajectory.

Published: 25 Mar 2022

Obituary: Dr. Jacques Tremblay (1946 - 2022)

Dr. Tremblay was a general practitioner at the Douglas Institute and an associate researcher at the Douglas Research Centre since 1999. He played an important role in introducing the concept of assessment of the quality of medical care using explicit and implicit criteria in Canada, in the 1980s. This concept is now used widely in North America and is recommended by the Quebec College of Physicians.

Published: 24 Mar 2022

Dr. Romina Mizrahi elected as a Board Member of the Schizophrenia International Research Society

Dr. Romina Mizrahi has been elected as a Board Member of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) for a 4-year appointment, commencing April 7, 2022. The mission of the SIRS is to be a worldwide organization that aims to bring together researchers and clinicians in schizophrenia and related disorders. Congratulations Dr. Mizrahi!

Published: 23 Mar 2022

Dr. Serge Gauthier interviewed on CBC Radio

Dr.Serge Gauthier: Alzheimer's and Dementia Care and Treatment Needs to Change

Published: 23 Mar 2022


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