Robert F. Hess

Academic title(s): 



Contact Information:


Phone: 514.842.1231, ext 1690


Mailing Address:
McGill Vision Research Unit
Deptartment of Ophthalmology
687 Pine Avenue West, Rm. H4-14
Montreal, QC
H3A 1A1


Robert F. Hess

Research Areas:

Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience | Behavioural Neuroscience

Research Summary:

Dr. Hess, who is based at the McGill Vision Research Center, Royal Victoria Hospital, uses psychophysical methods to study the basic mechanisms underlying human perceptions. He is particularly interested in understanding how the spatial, temporal and motion aspects of the image are analyzed in visual cortex. His clinical interest concerns a condition called amblyopia, or lazy eye, in which, for an unknown reason, the retinal image is not properly represented in the visual areas of the brain.

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