
Frontiers Planet Prize

Recently launched by the Frontiers Research Foundation, the inaugural Frontiers Prize has as its goal, the acceleration of scientific solutions for healthy lives on a healthy planet. The 2022 edition of the Prize, the Frontiers Planet Prize, in the area of sustainability science, seeks applications from researchers who have made scientific breakthroughs with the potential to stabilize our planet’s ecosystem.

Published: 30 Sep 2022

Niky Kamran appointed Deputy Research Integrity Officer

Professor Niky Kamran has been appointed Deputy Research Integrity Officer at McGill for a three-year term. As Deputy RIO, Professor Kamran promotes integrity in the conduct of research and carries out the assessment of research misconduct allegations.

Published: 2 Sep 2022

Professor Jeanne Paquette appointed as McGill Deputy Research Integrity Officer

Professor Jeanne Paquette has been appointed as a McGill Deputy Research Integrity Officer. She began the three-year, part-time appointment on June 15, 2022. As Deputy RIO, Professor Paquette promotes integrity in the conduct of research and carries out the assessment of research misconduct allegations.

Published: 11 Jul 2022

$12.7 Million for McGill Research from the Fonds de recherche du Québec

Tackling climate change and preserving biodiversity a key priority for McGill and Quebec

The Fonds de recherche du Québec announced its latest rounds of funding earlier this month in support of research, training, and initiatives to tackle major societal challenges—including climate change and biodiversity loss.

Published: 30 Jun 2022

Researchers tackle youth loneliness and technology dependence

McGill professors receive grant to explore the correlation between technology dependence, youth loneliness and the risk for exploitation.

Published: 19 May 2022

International lab dedicated to artificial intelligence kicks-off in Montreal

Montreal-based centre unites strengths of McGill University, ÉTS, Mila, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, and CentraleSupélec

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Published: 26 Apr 2022

$3.1 M for Eight McGill Research Projects

Eight projects funded through the Canada Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) and the Government of Quebec acquire new tools and infrastructure to generate new knowledge, from improving breast cancer treatments to understanding the lives of parasitoid insects.

Published: 22 Feb 2022

McGill CRCs awarded in the 2020-2022 Cycle and NFRF-Transformation Results

On January 12, the Federal Government announced more than $295 million for science, research, and engineering in Canada through the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) 2020-2 cycle, the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) 2020 Transformation results, and the Tri-agency Scholarships and Fellowships.

Read the full story on the McGill Newsroom or the McGill Reporter.

Below is a list of all CRCs awarded in the 2020-2022 Cycle and McGill Co-PIs and Collaborators NFRF-T 2021-2027:

Published: 12 Jan 2022

Roman Szumski appointed as Special Advisor to the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation

Martha Crago, Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation (VP-RI), is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Roman Szumski to the role of Special Advisor to the VP-RI in Public and Life Science Policy and Business Development. His appointment will commence on January 17, 2022 for a two-year term.

Published: 11 Jan 2022

$1.3 million to understand and alleviate impacts of the pandemic on children, youth, and families

Seven CIHR funded projects at McGill and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre to investigate impacts of vaccine hesitancy, health-care shortages, work-life imbalance for children, youth, and families in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published: 10 Dec 2021

Trifecta of awards for McGill Physics professors

The Canadian Association of Physicists recognizes achievements for McGill professors across many branches of research in physics

Published: 8 Dec 2021

New Type of Earthquake Discovered

International team including McGill researchers has discovered a new type of seismic event. The existence of these hydraulic fracturing-induced earthquakes supports a scientific theory that until now had not been sufficiently substantiated by measurements.

Published: 6 Dec 2021

Carole Goutorbe appointed as Director of Sponsored Research (OSR)

Research and Innovation (R+I) is pleased to announce the appointment of Carole Goutorbe as the Director of Sponsored Research. She began her new role on November 22.

Published: 29 Nov 2021

McGill's Scott Weichenthal wins NSERC Brockhouse prize with cross-disciplinary, multi-institution team

A multidisciplinary team of researchers, including McGill's Scott Weichenthal, an Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, has been awarded the Brockhouse Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Published: 17 Nov 2021

CHIME Fast Radio Burst Team to Receive 2022 Berkeley Prize

The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment fast radio burst (CHIME/FRB) team, which discovered more than 500 new fast radio bursts in the first year of the detector’s operations, will receive the 2022 Lancelot M. Berkeley − New York Community Trust Prize for Meritorious Work in Astronomy.

Published: 17 Nov 2021


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