Welcome to RUISSS McGill

Welcome to RUISSS McGill

The Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) created the Réseau Universitaire Intégré de Santé et Services Sociaux (RUISSS) in 2003. A portion of Quebec’s territory was assigned to each of the province’s four Faculties of Medicine (McGill University, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval), with the intent to facilitate specialized care, medical education, and medical research throughout the province’s many regions.

RUISSS McGill covers an area spanning 63 per cent of the territory of the province of Quebec and works to offer better access to health care for a population of 1.9 million. RUISSS McGill includes 7 different regional authorities, including 1 university hospital centre, 2 CIUSSS, 3 CISSS and 3 other health centres. Within the regions of its territorial responsibility, McGill University’s RUISSS supports health care delivery, teaching, research.

Strength in our Diverse Partners 

RUISSS McGill's partners include regional health authorities of Nunavik, the Cree Territory, Nord du Québec, Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Outaouais, Montérégie West, West-Central Montreal, West Island of Montreal, as well as the McGill University Health Centre

An array of initiatives to serve Quebecois 

RUISSS McGill initiatives facilitate specialized care, medical education and training, and medical research throughout the RUISSS’s many regions. Some initiatives are time-limited and address specific needs, while others are long-term to ensure a lasting impact on the communities served.

RUISSS McGill covers a large and varied territory of Quebec, stretching from Montreal to Nunavik in the far north – over half the province’s area.


The RUISSS McGill Community of Practice is part of a continuous quality improvement process and promotes the development of a sense of belonging and support between health care professionals.

The Telehealth Coordination Centre offers assistance to RUISSS McGill institutions for the development and deployment of Telehealth services.
Toll-free: 1 833 564-0404
Email: soutienrqt [at] ssss.gouv.qc.ca

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