McGill Alert / Alerte de McGill

Updated: Thu, 07/18/2024 - 18:12

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

IAIN - Indonesia Social Equity Project

The Indonesia Social Equity Project is the third consecutive project between McGill and the State Institutes of Islamic Studies (IAIN). These grew out of a relationship between the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies and the IAIN, which began in the fifties. The first in the series of development projects, which receive funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), began in 1989. 
  • McGill Indonesia Higher Education Project 1989 - 2000
  • Indonesia Canada Islamic Higher Education Project 1995 - 2003
  • Indonesia Social Equity Project 2001 - 2006

At the broadest level, the goal of the cooperation is to foster social cohesion and political stability in Indonesia by strengthening these Indonesian educational institutions. The Indonesia Social Equity Project, the most recent project which began in 2001, focuses on capacity development - strengthening the links between the higher education to improve basic education and to develop poor communities.

Information on the three development projects can be found on the project website.

List of IAIN funded Theses


Masters Theses

Mochtar Afandi - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The method of Muslim learning as illustrated in al-Zarnuji's Ta'lim al'Muta'allim Tariq 

Muhammed Amin - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
A study of Bint al-Shati's exegesis (Supervisor: Issa Boullata) 

Etin Anwar - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Ibn Sina and Mysticism: a Reconsideration (Supervisor: Hermann Landolt) 

Hasan Asari - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The educational thought of Al-Ghazali: theory and practice (Supervisor: Donald Little) 

Nurul Fajri - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The role of religious symbols in the Iranian Revolution of 1979 

Ahmad Nur Fuad - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The Babi Movement in Iran: From Religious Dissent to Political Revolt, 1844 – 1853(Supervisor: Todd Lawson) 

Ahmad Hakim - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Muhammad ibn Idris Al-Shafi'i and his role in the development of Islamic legal theory(Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Thoha Hamin - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The British and the French responses to Muhammad Ali's policies (Supervisor: Uner Turgay) 

Fatimah Husein - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Fazlur Rahman's Islamic Philosophy (Supervisor: Todd Lawson) 

Arnel Pekanbaru Iskandar - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The Concept of Perfect Man in the Thought of Ibn 'Arabi and Iqbal: a Contemporary Study(Supervisor: Todd Lawson) 

Iftitah Jafar - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Modern Qur'anic Exegesis: a Comparative Study of the Methods of Muhammad 'Abduh and Muhammad Rashid Rida (Supervisor: Issa Boullata) 

Asep Saepudin Jahar - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Abu Isaq Al-Shatibi's Reformulation of the Concept of Bid'a: A Study of his al-I'Tisam(Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Shalahudin Kafrawi - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's Methodology in Interpreting the Qur'an (Supervisor: Issa J. Boullata)

Kusmana - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Shafi'i's Theory of Naskh and his Influence on Ulum Al-Qur'an (Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Akh Minhahi - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Joseph Schacht's contribution to the study of Islamic Law (Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Inna Muthmainnah - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas: the Principles of its Interpretation (Supervisor: Issa J. Boullata) 

Muhammad Nasfis - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The concept of the imamate in the works of Al-Mawardi 

F. Nurasiah - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi's Views on Shari'ah: A Preliminary Study of the Legal Element in His Writings (Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Andi Nurbaethy - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Development of al-Ghazali's Concept of the Knowledge of God in his Three Later Works: Ihya, al-Munquidh, and Iljam al-Awamm (Supervisor: Eric Ormsby) 

Nawir Yuslem Nurbain - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Ibn Qayyim's reformulation of the fatwa (Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Muhammad Agus Nuratnyo - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Asghar Ali Engineer's Thought on Liberation Theology, and Women's Issues: an Analysis(Supervisor: Sajida Alvi) 

Awalia Rahma - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Sufi Order and the Resistance Movement: The Sanusiya of Libya in 1911-1932 (Supervisor: Eric Ormsby) 

Amhar Rasyid - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Some Qur'anic legal texts in the context of Fazlur Rahman's hermeneutical method (Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Iman Rofi'I - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Soviet anti-religious policies and Muslims of Central Asia, 1917-1938 (Supervisor: Uner Turgay)

Fauzan Saleh – PhD Thesis, The Development of Islamic theological discourse in Indonesia: a critical survey of Muslim reformists attempts to sustain orthodoxy in the 20th century (Supervisor: Howard Federspiel)

Najmah Sayuti - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The Concept of Allah as the Highest God in Pre-Islamic Arabia (A Study of Pre- Islamic Arabic Religious Poetry) (Supervisor: Eric Ormsby) 

Didin Syafruddin - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The principles of Ibn Taymiyya's Qur'anic interpretation (Supervisor: Uner Turgay) 

Mohamad Syahnan - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
A Study of Sayyid Qutb's Quran Exegesis in Earlier and Later Editions of his Fi Zilal Al-Quran with Specific Reference to Selected Themes (Supervisor: Issa J. Boullata) 

Siti Syamsiyatun - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Al-Shahranstani and the Shi'i Doctrine of Imama: An Analysis of the Views Expressed in his al-Milal wa al-Hihal and Nihayat al-Iqdam fi 'Ilm al-Kalam (Supervisor: Eric Ormsby) 

Sahiron Syamsuddin - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies An Examination of Bint al-Shati"s Method of Interpreting the Qur'an (Supervisor: Issa J. Boullata) 

Aswita Taizir - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Muhammad 'Abduh and the reformation of Islamic Law (Supervisor: Wael Hallaq) 

Jarot Wahyudi - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Ahl al-Kitab in the Qur'an; an Analysis of Selected Classical and Modern Exegesis (Supervisor: Issa J. Boullata) 

Yudian Wahyudi – PhD Thesis, The Call: Back to the Qur'an and the Sunna": A Comparative Study of the Resources of Hasan Hanfi, Muhammad 'Abid al-Jabiri, and Nurcholish madjid (Supervisors: Howard Federspiel and Uner Turgay)

Agusni Yahya - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The impact of colonial experience on the religious and social thought of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Ahmad Hassan: a comparison (Supervisors: Howard Federspiel and Wael Hallaq) 

Yeno Ratna Yuningsih - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The Mystical Element in Mikha'il Nu'aymah's Literary Works and its Affinity to Islamic Mysticism(Supervisor: Hermann Landolt) 

Arba'iyah Yusuf - MA Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
Ibn Sina's thought on the "Perfect Man": the role of faculties of the soul (Supervisor: Eric Ormsby)

PhD Theses

Yusuf Rahman- PhD Thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies 
The Hermeneutical Theory of Nasri Hamid Abu Zayd: An Analytical Study of His Method of Interpretation (Supervisor: Issa Boullata)




Please email the individual faculty listed on the People Page in your area of interest for more information regarding Southeast Asian Studies at McGill.

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