5042 results
  1. Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Alex Moroz, MD. Merck Manuel/​Le Manuel Merck. 2017. USA. Bayview Cen­ter CHSLD... Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­tre CIUSSS Centre-​Ouest de Mon­tréal. Canada. Miriam Home and Ser­vices CIUSSS... Rehabilitation Hospital Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital. Canada.

  2. rehabilitation, teamwork and professionalism as essential compo­nents for the development of a humanistic...

  3. Rehabilitation Initiative (GHRI) Researchers at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy (SPOT... rehabilitation research. Research projects span a wide range of topics and methodologies. They include... rehabilitation training programs in Haiti, and rehabilitation services in Northern Quebec (in partnership...

  4. rehabilitation, client-centered and evidence based practice, clinical reasoning, ethics, teamwork and...

  5. Rehabilitation Collaboration (MMRC) between the Manipal Academy of Higher Education’s College of Health... rehabilitation. This project led to a second, ongoing study which includes a multi-centre randomized... rehabilitation of arm movements (2012). More recently, Professors Arun Maiya PT, PhD (Manipal), Matthew...

    News & Stories
  6. Rehabilitation Webinar Series Mariane Bertagnolli, PhD, specialist in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Women... Rehabilitation: International Registry and Women-Focused Cardiac Rehabilitation Sherry L. Grace, PhD... rehabilitation field. SPOTlight on Rehabilitation is an initiative for researchers from the School of...

  7. Rehabilitation and Women’s Health, invites four international experts in the area of cardiac rehabilitation... Rehabilitation: International Registry and Women-Focused Cardiac Rehabilitation Sherry L. Grace, PhD... rehabilitation field. SPOTlight on rehabilitation is a campaign where researchers from the School of...

  8. Rehabilitation may not be the first idea that comes to mind when we think of oncology. However, rehabilitation... rehabilitation professionals minimizes the sequelae of cancer treatments, helps patients and survivors... rehabilitation still remains limited among the general public and other healthcare professionals, I...

    News & Stories
  9. rehabilitation’s focus on function, its activities are often targeted towards those who have the greatest... Rehabilitation providers worldwide face paradoxical positions relative to disability: whereas rehabilitation... rehabilitation in globalizing contexts, this summer institute course aims to equip rehabilitation providers...

  10. rehabilitation and identified the facilitators and barriers to their rehabilitation. Third, their perspectives... rehabilitation programming by guiding their rehabilitation exercises. Participants who concentrated... rehabilitation center. Front. Rehabil. Sci. 4:1296505. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2023.1296505...