
Dr. Catherine Guastavino & SIS PhD graduate Guillaume Boutard guest edit journal on preservation of digital cultural artifacts

Les Cahiers du Numérique has published a special thematic issue on the preservation of digital cultural artifacts, prepared by School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino and recent PhD graduate Guillaume Boutard, guest editors.

Published: 13 May 2013

SIS PhD graduates Guillaume Boutard & Amandine Pras awarded FQRSC post-doctoral fellowships

Recent School of Information Studies PhD graduates Guillaume Boutard and Amandine Pras have been awarded two-year FQRSC post-doctoral fellowships.

Guillaume will be continuing his research at Université de Montréal and Amandine at Columbia University. Congratulations Guillaume & Amandine!

Published: 13 May 2013

Congratulations to SIS graduate students Jesse David Dinneen & Carolyn Pang on fellowship awards

The McGill School of Information Studies warmly congratulates the following incoming PhD in Information Studies students on receiving McGill Graduate Fellowships this spring:

Jesse David Dinneen: 2013-2014 Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowship recipientCarolyn Pang: 2013-2014 Wolfe Fellowship in Scientific and Technological Literacy recipient

Published: 30 Apr 2013

SIS graduating MLIS student Xenia Kurguzova wins SSHRC prize for visual depiction of corruption research

School of Information Studies graduating MLIS student Xenia Kurguzova has won a 

Published: 10 Apr 2013

SIS graduating PhD student Kaushilya Weerapura's thesis published as book

A warm congratulations to graduating PhD student Kaushilya Weerapura and supervisor Dr. Kimiz Dalkir on the publication of Kaushilya's thesis as a book:

Self-Regulated Learning: An Information Science Perspective

From publisher:

Published: 4 Apr 2013

SIS graduating PhD student Guillaume Boutard awarded major SSHRC grant for interdisciplinary music research

Guillaume Boutard, graduating PhD student at the School of Information Studies, has been awarded a major Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) grant with co-PI Fabrice Marandola (Schulich School of Music).

Their interdisciplinary research project focuses on "Documentation, Dissemination and Preservation of Compositions with Real-time Electronics".

Congratulations Guillaume!

Published: 28 Mar 2013

SIS Faculty search: Information & Knowledge Management/Curation & Preservation

The School of Information Studies is currently seeking a new Faculty member with research expertise in Information and Knowledge Management (taxonomies, data mining, intelligence studies, knowledge transfer, organizational learning) and Curation and Preservation (digital archives, records management, authenticity, cultural heritage management, museum studies). Application deadline: May 15, 2013.

Published: 26 Mar 2013

SIS MLIS & PhD students present research at EGSS Conference

The following School of Information Studies MLIS and PhD students presented at the 12th Annual EGSS conference: "Meeting in the Middle: (de)Constructing Knowledge|Rencontres au milieu: constructions et déconstructions du savoir" on March 15 and 16, 2013.

Published: 19 Mar 2013

Prof. Peter McNally awarded Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

School of Information Studies faculty member Professor Peter McNally has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his outstanding contribution to the community.

Marc Garneau, MP for Westmount-Ville-Marie, will be presenting Prof. McNally with his medal at a ceremony on February 23, 2013.

Congratulations Professor McNally!

Published: 22 Jan 2013

Book review by MLIS student Sarah Wilkinson published in Archivaria

Congratulations to School of Information Studies MLIS student Sarah Wilkinson on her book review in the Fall 2012 edition of Archivaria, the journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists. Sarah reviewed The Lone Arranger: Succeeding in a Small Repository by Christina Zamon, published by the Society of American Archivists.

Published: 18 Dec 2012

Digital preservation management workshop report by MLIS students featured in ACA Bulletin

School of Information Studies Masters of Library & Information Studies (MLIS) Archival Studies specialization students Parvaneh Abbaspour, Kerry Goodfellow, Nailisa Tanner, and Emily Zheng

Published: 11 Dec 2012

SIS Faculty search: Human Information Interaction (HII) position

The School of Information Studies invites applications for the position of Associate or Full Professor, Tenure Track in the area of Human Information Interaction (HII). Deadline: January 30, 2013. Position posting [.pdf]

Published: 30 Nov 2012

PhD student Rhiannon Gainor wins award at 2012 European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation

Congratulations to Rhiannon Gainor, School of Information Studies PhD student for receiving the honour of 'best PhD paper presentation' (jointly awarded) at the 2012 European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation in Cork, Ireland, Sept 13-14, 2012. The paper was titled 'A Methodology for Competitive Intelligence Metrics' and was co-authored with Professor Bouthillier.

Published: 27 Nov 2012

SIS faculty Dr. Beheshti & Dr. Large editors of new book on information behaviour of children & youth

Congratulations to School of Information Studies professors Dr. Jamshid Beheshti and Dr. Andrew Large, editors of the newly published book: "The Information Behavior of a New Generation: Children and Teens in the 21st Century".

Published: 16 Nov 2012

SIS welcomes postdoctoral researcher Dr. Fouaz Sofiane Ayachi

The School of Information Studies is pleased to welcome postdoctoral researcher Fouaz Sofiane Ayachi. Dr. Ayachi is undertaking research at the Multimodal interaction Laboratory (MIL) on the physical characterization and perception of vibration transmission with Prof.

Published: 29 Oct 2012


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