
Publication of Special Issue of LEARNing Landscapes

Published: 24 September 2024

The twenty-eighth issue of LEARNing Landscapes, an online, peer-reviewed, open access journal edited by DISE Professor Lynn Butler-Kisber, highlights the evolving landscape of educational and developmental research and practice, where traditional models are challenged, and new frameworks—rooted in decolonial, feminist, and queer theories—are proposed to support holistic youth development.

Papers in this special issue engage what thinking about youth wellbeing means as critical, embodied praxis and pedagogies for work with young people during times characterized by precarity, structural violence, and crisis, as well as mobilisation and resistance. Multimedia contributions include conceptual pieces, arts-based research, and empirical studies, as well as dialogues between researchers, community youth workers, and youth themselves in excerpts from the photo-voice exhibit, "Que du Love".

Authors include DISE faculty Emmanuel Tabi and Jayne Malenfant, Jessica Ruglis in dialogue with Karl-St-Victor (executive director of Chalet Kent youth centre), and DISE doctoral student Melissa Ledo in dialogue with Cree singer-songwriter Siibii Petawabano. Editorial assistance was provided by Lea Ehret (DISE PhD 2023).

Publication of special issue of Learning Landscapes, edited by DISE faculty Bronwen Low and ECP faculty Jessica Ruglis: “Towards new futures of youth development: Critical and sustainable approaches to youth wellbeing in complex times”

Ruglis, J & Low. B (Eds.) (2024). Special Issue: "Towards New Futures of Child and Youth Development: Critical and Sustainable Approaches to Wellbeing in Complex Times." Learning Landscapes, 17(1).

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