McGill Alert / Alerte de McGill

Updated: Thu, 07/18/2024 - 18:12

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

Claudia Masferrer

Claudia MasferrerAdjunct Professor

Stephen Leacock Building, Room 712
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T7

Tel: 514-398-6868
Fax: 514-398-1722
E-mail: claudia.masferrer [at]
Alternate email address: cmasferrer [at]

Research areas

Migration and immigrant integration; Return migration; Demography and population dynamics; Family dynamics; Social policy; Race and ethnicity; Immigrant interpartnering; North America (Canada, United States, and Mexico)


(PhD, McGill University, 2015)

Adjunct Professor at McGill University since 2016.

Assistant Professor at El Colegio de México since 2016.

My scholarship bridges sociology and demography, engaging with theories in family, migration, and race and ethnic studies, and applying statistical methods to policy relevant problems. Specifically, I am interested in migration, immigrant integration and family dynamics, and how policy mediates these processes. I am currently pursuing two main areas of research. The first area focuses on the demography, geography and welfare implications of Mexican return migration and migration to Mexico. The second area focuses on the intersection of immigration and family processes in North America (Canada, US, and Mexico). My work aims to contribute to the understanding of North America as a region of emigration, immigration, transit, and return migration.

I participated in the last North American Forum, the last Binational dialogue on Mexican migrants in the United States and Mexico and I am currently a member of the Central America – North America Migration Dialogue. My scholarship has been published at the Advances in Life Course Research, Population Research and Policy ReviewCoyuntura Demográfica, and as policy briefs and book chapters in edited volumes. Starting January 2017, I will join the Mexican Researchers System (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI Nivel 1).


Selected Publications

Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals

Masferrer, Claudia. (2016).  Does Family Matter for Recent Immigrants’ Life Satisfaction? Advances in Life Course Research (online first)

Masferrer, Claudia. (2012). Cuando el origen no es destino: ciclo de vida y el retorno como posibles vínculos entre la migración interna e internacional. Coyuntura Demográfica, 2:45-50

Masferrer, Claudia and Bryan R. Roberts. (2012). Going Back Home? Changing Demography and Geography of Mexican Return Migration. Population Research and Policy Review, 31(4): 465-496.

Book Chapters

Masferrer, Claudia and Bryan R. Roberts. (2016). “The Changing Patterns of Return Migration from U.S. to Mexico and their Policy Implications”. In Leal, David L. and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.). Migration in an era of restriction and recession. Springer Press.

Masferrer, Claudia. (2014).  “De regreso a otro lugar. La relación entre la migración interna y la migración de retorno en 2005” (Returning somewhere else. The relationship of Mexican internal and return migration in 2005). In Lozano, Fernando and Marcos Valdivia (eds.). Análisis espacial de las remesas, migración de retorno y crecimiento regional en México. CRIM-UNAM - Plaza y Valdés Editores. p. 175-238

Policy briefs

Giorguli-Saucedo, Silvia. E., García-Guerrero, Victor M., and Claudia Masferrer. (2016). A migration system in the making: Demographic dynamics and migration policies in North America and the Northern Triangle of Central-America. (Policy Paper). Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies, El Colegio de México.

Pederzini, Carla, Fernando Riosmena, Claudia Masferrer, and Noemy Molina. (2015). “Three decades of migration from the Northern Triangle of Central America: A historic and demographic outlook”. Central America – North America Migration Dialogue. Policy brief PB01. [Edited in English and Spanish]

Courses taught

Undergradute courses

SOCI 305 Socialization

Graduate courses (at El Colegio de México)

Intermediate Statistics

Categorical Data Analysis


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