Current Members


  • Dr. Caroline Palmer (caroline.palmer (at), Professor, Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience of Performance, McGill.
  • Dr. Bavo Van Kerrebroeck (bavo.vankerrebroeck (at), Postdoc researcher, McGill.
  • Shannon Wright (shannon.eilyce.wright (at), PhD candidate, McGill.
  • Wenbo Yi (wenbo.yi (at), PhD candidate, McGill
  • Polina Plitchenko (polina.plitchenko (at), MSc candidate, Experimental Psychology, McGill.
  • Lee Whitehorne (lee.whitehorne (at), MSc candidate, Experimental Psychology, McGill.
  • Kai Mikkelsen (kai. mikkelsen (at), MA student, Music Technology, McGill. 
  • Annabel Zhu (annabel.zhu (at), BASc student, Neuroscience, McGill. 
  • Emilie Nuyttens (emilie.nuyttens (at), BASc student, Neuroscience, McGill.
  • Elizabeth Harrigan (elizabeth.harrigan (at), BASc student, Cognitive Science, McGill.
  • Michelle Wang ( (at), BASc student, Neuroscience, McGill. 

Dr. Caroline Palmer

Caroline Palmer's research program combines two related issues in cognitive psychology: how people remember long sequences typical of speech and music, and how they produce those sequences. Many theories of memory for speech, written language, pictures, and other human endeavors focus on the problem of serial order: knowing what comes next in a sequence. What most theories do not address is the time course of retrieval: when particular sequential (serial order) information is available, and for how long. We focus on the time course of serial order in music performance and in speech, the most complex of human skills.

See Dr. Palmer's webpage for more information (including contact information).

See selected publications

Dr. Bavo Van Kerrebroeck

Bavo joined the SPL as a post-doc in March 2023. He is a researcher in embodied music cognition, extended reality, and human-computer interaction. He obtained a master’s in engineering and computer music at the KUleuven and Sorbonne University (IRCAM) and completed his PhD at Ghent University (IPEM). He currently works on the development of musical agents to investigate the emergent qualities in collective music making.

Shannon WrightShannon Wright

Shannon joined the Sequence Production Lab as a doctoral student in September 2018. She completed her Bachelor degree in Psychology and Philosophy at Simon Fraser University, where she conducted her Honours research on musically-induced emotions. Shannon then completed a Master’s degree at the University of Jyväskylä in Music, Mind, and Technology, where she studied audiomotor synchronisation during varied states of physiological arousal. Her current research investigates physiological markers involved in spontaneous motor production rates in musicians and non-musicians.

Wenbo Yi

Wenbo joined the SPL as a PhD student in September 2022. He studied Sound Recording at the Bachelor's and Master’s levels in China, then completed a Master’s degree in Music, Communication and Technology at the University of Oslo, Norway. Wenbo also worked at the RITMO Center of Excellence in Oslo, where his research included rhythm perception and production, linguistic rhythm, and cardiac synchrony in musical ensembles. His current research focuses on group dynamics in complex music activities.

  • Høffding, S.Yi, W.​, Lippert, E., Sanchez, V. G., Bishop, L., Laeng, B., Danielsen, A., Jensenius, A. R., & Wallot, S. (2023). Into the Hive-Mind: Shared Absorption and Cardiac Interrelations in Expert and Student String Quartets. Music & Science6 

Polina Plitchenko

Polina joined the SPL as a MSc student in January of 2023. She earned her Bachelors degree in Syracuse University where she majored in psychology and minored in anthropology. She holds an NSERC award and her current research examines the auditory-motor synchronization between partners and how different types of practice can improve joint synchrony with a partner.

Lee Whitehorne 
Lee Whitehorne

Lee joined the Sequence Production Lab in May 2020 on an NSERC summer award, before beginning graduate studies at McGill in Experimental Psychology. He previously completed a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics and Psychology, as well as a Bachelor of Music, at the University of Victoria. His past research has examined how the mind organizes syntax from pitch events within musical sequences. Lee continues to explore research at the intersection of music and language; his current research addresses the perceptual and motor mechanisms that underlie how we synchronize auditory behaviours.

Kai Mikkelsen

Kai joined the SPL as a technical assistant in Fall 2023. He earned a Bachelors degree in Software Engineering from the University of Victoria and is currently pursuing his Masters of Arts in Music Technology at McGill. His research interests include Digital Signal Processing and Music Information Retrieval.

Annabel Zhu

Annabel is an undergraduate student completing a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience with a minor in Computer Science. She joined the Sequence Production Lab in September 2023. Her research project investigates the emergent properties of musical synchrony that arise in small ensemble groups using linear error correction models and nonlinear dynamical systems models.


Emilie Nuyttens

Emilie is an undergraduate student completing a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. She joined the Sequence Production Lab in September 2023. Her research project examines auditory-motor synchronization in small ensemble groups and its evolution during interactions with a virtual partner.

Elizabeth Harrigan

Elizabeth joined the SPL in Fall 2023 as an undergraduate. She is completing a Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science with focuses on Linguistics and Computer Science. Her honours research project examines the physiological effects of group synchrony, including the relationship between musical and cardiac synchrony and effects of disrupting synchrony.

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