My Day @ McGill

Program details | Volunteer | Info for community partners

Be a McGill student for the day! 

Each Spring, McGill’s Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office and Montréal school boards team up to host hundreds of elementary school students (grades 4 to 6) at the university. McGill volunteers (staff, students and faculty) engage students in a variety of workshops and activities on campus


Program details

Host Faculty/Dept/Student Group: Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office
Main contact: jean.murray [at] (Jean Murray) or call 514-398-3745
Outreach website: My Day @ McGill
Languages offered: English and French
Year established: 2012
Location and timeline: Happens all over the downtown McGill campus; visits take place in late March and early April from 8:30am to 2pm

Collaborative partners: Montreal-area elementary schools and school boards; McGill Fauclties of Medicine, Science, Arts, Engineering; First Peoples' House; McGill Library; McGill Robotics; Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) and other student faculty asssociations. 

Links to media articles:

- McGill in the Community

- McGill Reporter: April 23, 2015

- McGill Reporter: April 10, 2014



Volunteer positions: Tour guide OR facilitate an activity through your faculty or department. Students, staff and faculty are all welcome to volunteer.

Time commitment: Tour guide: 8:30am - 2pm; Activity facilitator: various times between 9am - 1pm

Why volunteer?: Show kids how much fun learning can be; make education experiential; help break the psychological barrier that may impact children seeing post-secondary education as a possibility; show kids around your school and point out areas that you love; engage with youth in a meanginful way.

To get involved: Sign-up here to volunteer or contact Jean Murray at jean.murray [at]


Information for community partners

How the program impacts teaching and learning:

  • Spending a day on campus opens up the possibilities of pursuing post-secondary education
  • Hands-on activities connects passion and fun to learning
  • Acts as a bridge between McGill and the wider Montreal community
  • Young students interact with older university students who introduce them their their school
  • Learn about diverse cultures through activities hosted by student faculty associations and First Peoples' House

How to access the program: Contact Jean Murray at jean.murray [at], or call 514-398-3745 before late November to reserve your school's participation. My Day @ McGill is recommended for children in grades 4 to 6.

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