
Montreal to create urban path linking river, mountain for 375th birthday

The Montreal Gazette | Feb 26, 2015

by: René Bruemmer

The city of Montreal presented its vision for a River to the Mountain urban walkway on Wednesday, linking two icons of the Montreal landscape along a pedestrian-friendly 3.8-kilometre stretch flowing along the city’s streets. 

Published: 6 Mar 2015

Invasive species pose serious threat to health of the Great Lakes

The McGill Reporter | Feb. 3, 2015

By: Melody Enguix

New study from scientists at McGill shows the vulnerability of the basin to future invaders – and calls for regulations to mitigate this threat.

Published: 12 Feb 2015

Integrating social equity into urban transportation planning: A critical evaluation of equity objectives and measures in transportation plans in North America

Science Direct | January 2015

By: Kevin Manaugh

“Almost all [cities involved] have wide goals about how the infrastructure should be equitably distributed, but then nothing is really measured, because there isn’t a clear target for performance measure for many plans.” - Kevin Manaugh

Read the full story here.

Published: 3 Feb 2015

Systems crucial to stability of planet compromised

McGill Newsroom | January 15, 2015

Almost half of the processes that are crucial to maintaining the stability of the planet have become dangerously compromised by human activity.

Published: 3 Feb 2015

McGill hosts annual Fair Trade Conference

McGill Reporter | Jan. 22, 2015

By: Galitt Araf

The three-day event brought together leaders from across the country committed to the advancement of Fair Trade, both on a small scale and globally. 

Published: 26 Jan 2015

Reimagining housing for the poor and cities without cars

The Vancouver Sun | Jan. 25, 2015

By: Daphne Bramham

McGill architecture professor Vikram Bhatt, winner of the Margolese National Living Design Prize from UBC, thinks people should live where they can grow some of their own food.

Published: 26 Jan 2015

ECOLE sustainable housing project gains Independent Student Group status

Jan. 13, 2015 | The McGill Tribune

by: Ashley Kong

Educational Community Living Environment (ECOLE), a sustainability initiative, gained Independent Student Group (ISG) status on Dec. 4 during the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council meeting. 

Published: 16 Jan 2015

L'habitat des ours polaires en danger [lien français]

le 14 janvier 2015 | RadioCanada

Une étude suggère que les menaces aux habitats glacés des ours polaires sont plus importantes que ce qui était prévu jusqu'à maintenant.


Ecoutez l'histoire complet ici.

Published: 16 Jan 2015

Sustainability — at McGill, they've made an app for that

Dec. 22, 2014 | Montreal Gazette

By: Sarah Rogers

Thanks to a McGill University law professor with an interest in social responsibility, there’s an app that will monitor your commitment to sustainability.

Published: 11 Jan 2015

270 000 tonnes de plastique dans les océans

Le Devoir | le 10 décembre 2014

par: Alexandre Shields

La pollution provoquée par le plastique a pris de telles proportions au cours des dernières décennies que près de 270 000 tonnes de ce matériau flotteraient à la surface des océans, selon une étude internationale publiée mercredi.

Published: 16 Dec 2014

The climate is changing, and so are Arctic berries

Nunatsiaq Online | Dec. 10, 2014

By: Sarah Rogers

McGill University Researcher Anna Bruce explores how Iqaluit women are adapting to "bad" berry seasons

Published: 16 Dec 2014

Bhatt wins national prize for urban living ideas

McGill Reporter| Nov. 28, 2014

by: McGill Reporter Staff

Architecture professor Vikram Bhatt has won the 2014 Margolese National Design for Living Prize, the University of British Columbia School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture announced this week.

Published: 16 Dec 2014

McGill Prof. Chris Ragan chairs high-profile group on economic and environmental fiscal reform

Montreal Gazette | Jan 25, 2015

BY: Rene Bruemmer

The Canadian committee of economists headed by McGill University economics professor Chris Ragan, are looking at ways Canada can follow the lead of other countries and start taxing pollution instead of jobs and profits, without hurting taxpayers or Canadian firms’ ability to compete internationally.

Published: 30 Nov 2014

The McGill Space Race

The McGill Tribune | Nov. 26, 2014

By: Remi Lu

Alan Chen didn’t know it at the time, but one afternoon three years ago in Lev Bukhman marked the start of a multi-year project that would reduce the gap between students and administration, and re-envision the entirety of McGill’s downtown campus.

Published: 27 Nov 2014

Opinion: What it means to be an 'Aboriginal student' today

Nov. 18, 2014 | The Gazette

by: Stephanie Willsey

First of all, I should introduce myself: I am a First Nations Canadian, of the Chippewa, or Ojibwe, community of Rama, Ont. I was raised off the reserve, but only a short drive away, and I am there often.

Published: 23 Nov 2014


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