SP0023: Hitting the Benchmark

Status: COMPLETED December 2010 - March 2011

“Hitting the Benchmark” aims to create  a unique bench made of reclaimed materials for McGill’s lower-campus. With a short time-frame, low cost, and manageable scale, “Hitting the Benchmark” is designed as a pilot project to inspire further small-scale urban interventions on campus. The group's vision is to construct the bench using primarily waste materials found around campus, construction sites, or disposal centres (EcoCentres). By providing street furniture made of reclaimed waste, “Hitting the Benchmark” engages the student body and community at large to interact with campus space and think about the creative reusability of waste.

For further information conerning this project, or to get in touch with its members, please contact the krista.houser [at] mcgill.ca (SPF Administration Team).


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