SP0112: Justice alimentaire Montréal

Status: COMPLETED June 2013 - November 2013

(Justice Alimentaire pour Montréal (JAM) is a grassroots initiative working to meet the challenge of building a community for those with a common interest in improving the locality of and access to food systems. The initiative has had success in connecting people and organizations in Montréal who want to change our current agro-industrial food system through information sharing, research, meetings, events, networking, and applied student research.

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You are what you eat & we want you to be healthy! As individuals, and in relations to our community, we recognize the primary need of every human being to have access to good and nutritious food. Increasingly, we are distant from our sources of food, geographically and experientially, which has a degrading effect on our health and the health of our communities.

Across Montréal, organizations, communities and Universities share a common interest in improving food systems, however communication and knowledge is not readily available to facilitate joint work, information sharing, research, student engagement and partnerships between these disparate actors.

Justice Alimentaire pour Montreal (JAM) is a grassroots initiative working to meet this challenge of community building. Their work began in January of 2013 as a response to the pressing need, expressed by a variety of stakeholders, for better integration and communication surrounding food issues in Montreal. This project was initiated by McGill students based on the great work that is happening internally at McGill and the need to expand that work to incorporate our broader community and improve our own practices through resource and information sharing across Montreal.

Through town hall and working group meetings, JAM has identified key barriers to communication across food system actors and, based on this work, resources from the SPF are being used to: pay a coordinator to cultivate the structure and potential of JAM; to create a dynamic report on current food actors (a multi-media access point for the promotion and integration of food systems work); and to organize and host conferences and interactive networking events.

JAM connects people and organizations in Montreal who want to change our current agro-industrial food system. They focus on exchanging information and resources, organizing meetings and events, providing support to organizations that need it, and encouraging new projects, actions, and applied university research.

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 Justice Alimentaire Montréal


mtlfoodjustice.info [at] gmail.com (Hugo Martorell) (Project Leader)

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