BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240503T144442EDT-002404dUXN@ DTSTAMP:20240503T184441Z DESCRIPTION:Renewable energy\, policy interactions\, and the role of Engine ers: A talk by Dr. Kristina Johnson TISED is honoured to host this talk b y Dr. Kristina Johnson who will be receiving an honourary doctorate from M cGill's Faculty of Engineering this month. Please join us – everyone is we lcome! Dr. Kristina Johnson’s company\, Enduring Hydro\, has an important role in the energy sector – this seminar will examine barriers and opport unities to renewable energy as well as the status and role of hydropower. Johnson’s high-level positions in government\, academic\, and industry hav e been influenced by her training as an engineer. She’ll speak to how engi neers can contribute to influencing public policy and suggest concrete way s where engineers can work with other specialists and generalists to creat e a more sustainable world. About the speaker: Dr. Kristina Johnson is cu rrently the Chairman and CEO of Enduring Hydro\, where she invests in\, de velops\, and modernizes hydroelectric facilities across North America. Pri or to heading Enduring Hydro\, Dr. Johnson served as Undersecretary at the US Department of Energy in Washington\, D.C. Proceeding her appointment a s Undersecretary\, Dr. Johnson was Provost and Senior vice president for A cademic Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University\, and Dean of the Pratt Sc hool of Engineering at Duke University. DTSTART:20140528T190000Z DTEND:20140528T203000Z LOCATION:Room 267\, Macdonald Engineering Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H 3A 0C3\, 817 rue Sherbrooke Ouest SUMMARY:Renewable energy\, policy interactions\, and the role of Engineers URL: ractions-and-role-engineers-236718 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR