Prioritization of Trypanosoma brucei editosome protein interactions interfaces at residue resolution through proteome-scale network analysis

Fri, 01/26/2024 - 06:00
CONCLUSION: RNA editing offers promise for target-based drug discovery, particularly with proteins and interfaces that play central roles in the pathogen's life cycle. This study introduces an integrative drug target identification workflow combining information from the PPI network, PPI 3D structure, and reside-level information of their interface which can be applicable to diverse pathogens. In the case of T. brucei, via this pipeline, the present study suggested potential drug targets with...

Intestinal protozoa in returning travellers: a GeoSentinel analysis from 2007 to 2019

Sun, 01/21/2024 - 06:00
CONCLUSIONS: This analysis provides new insights into the epidemiology and clinical significance of 4 intestinal protozoa that can cause morbidity in international travellers. These data might help optimize pretravel advice and post-travel management of patients with travel-associated prolonged gastrointestinal illnesses. This analysis reinforces the importance of international travel-related surveillance to identify sentinel cases and areas where protozoal infections might be undetected or...


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