Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Deadlines for admission


Application for admission

January 15

          Supporting documents

March 1

Major Entrance Scholarship application & documents

January 21

McGill Financial Aid application

30 days from acceptance date

Programs with separate deadlines

Music (application and supporting documents)

January 15

Religious Studies (application and supporting documents)

January 15

Social Work (supporting documents only)

March 7


Admission review process

  • Applicants will be considered for admission on their high school transcript (including mid-year Grade 12) and predicted HKDSE results or, if already completed, on final HKDSE results and the graduation statement.

    The minimum requirements are the four core subjects (Chinese Language, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies), as well as two or three elective subjects from category A (academic subject) or category C (foreign languages). Subjects from category B (applied learning subjects) cannot be used for admission.

Minimum grades and prerequisites

The minimum requirements are the four core subjects (Chinese Language, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies), as well as two or three elective subjects from category A (academic subject) or category C (foreign languages). Subjects from category B (applied learning subjects) cannot be used for admission. Predicted and final grades of 3 or better in each subject is the minimum, although most programs are more competitive and will require higher grades.

If admitted, you are expected to maintain your level of academic performance through to the completion of your pre-McGill studies.

No advanced standing (credit and/or exemption) is given for HKDSE courses.

Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

These programs are offered on the Macdonald campus


All B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) programs

  • Subjects must include two of physics, chemistry or biology.

Bioresource Engineering (B.Eng.(Bioresource))

Food Science (B.Sc.(F.Sc.))

Concurrent B.Sc. (B.Sc.(F.Sc.)/B.Sc.(Nutr.Sc.))



  • Subjects must include math and physics.



  • No specific subject prerequisites.


Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.)

  • Subjects must include two of physics, chemistry or biology

Note: The B.A. & Sc. is a unique degree that is jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science.  It is rooted in both Arts and Science and carries roughly equal course weight in each faculty. It is an interdisciplinary degree intended for students who want to pursue simultaneously a Major in the Faculty of Arts and one in the Faculty of Science or one of the interfaculty programs in Cognitive Science, Environment or Sustainability, Science and Society.




B.Ed. Kindergarten/Elementary Education

  • No specific prerequisites except for the following programs:
    • Applicants to the B.Ed. Secondary Mathematics: subjects must include Core Mathematics.
    • Applicants to the B.Ed. Secondary Science & Technology: subjects must include Core Mathematics and two of biology, chemistry or physics.

Additional requirements:

Applicants to the following programs must also pass a language test (see Additional Supporting Documents).
The language test or proof or exemption must be submitted before an admission decision can be made.

  • TESL - English test
  • TESL Greek Language and Culture - Greek test
  • Kindergarten/Elementary Pédagogie de l’immersion française - French test

B.Ed. Physical Education

B.Ed. Secondary Education


B.A. (Education) Global Contexts





Chemical Engineering

  • Subjects must include physics and chemistry

    Global Engineering admission review, handled jointly by both universities, also takes into account the Personal Statement. (consult Additional Supporting Documents)

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Global Engineering

Materials Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Mining Engineering

Software Engineering

Human Nutrition

This program is offered on the Macdonald campus

  • Subjects must include two of physics, chemistry or biology



  • Subjects must include two of physics, chemistry or biology



  • Core Mathematics with grade of 4 or higher



​For information on admission requirements, see the Schulich School of Music website.





Religious Studies

Bachelor of Theology (B.Th)

For information on admission requirements and applying, see Theology

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

See: Arts




Biological, Biomedical and Life Sciences Group

  • Subjects must include two of physics, chemistry or biology

Physical, Earth, Math and Computer Sciences Group

Bio-Physical-Computational Sciences Group


Social Work

  • Not eligible for direct admission

Supporting documentation

It is in the applicant’s interest to complete their file as quickly as possible. When program space is limited, preference may be given to applicants who have submitted all required supporting documents/information earlier on. Should a program reach its capacity prior to the ‘supporting documents’ and/or ‘self-reporting’ deadline, incomplete applications may be cancelled.

  1. Academic documents

    All academic documents must be uploaded to your McGill Applicant Portal:

    - Copy of high school transcript, including mid-year Grade 12 (Year 6)
    - Predicted HKDSE results or, if already completed, final HKDSE results
    - Subjects from category B (applied learning subjects) cannot be used for admission.

  2. Proof of English proficiency

    Applicants who have lived and attended school, for at least four years, in a country where English is the acknowledged primary language, are not required to provide further proof of English proficiency.

    If this is not the case, official test results will be required by the supporting document deadline. Please consult Proof of English Proficiency for accepted tests and other exemptions.

  3. Additional supporting documents

    Certain programs will require additional supporting documents. These could be proof of French proficiency, CASPer test results, recommendation letters, personal statement, or other documents; the requirements will be different depending on the program you are applying to. If your program choice is listed below, please carefully verify the additional requirement(s):

    If none of the above apply, additional supporting documents are not considered in the admission review process and should not be submitted.


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