68 results in Health sciences (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Humankind has used technological advances to exploit the environment to its benefit, with the consequence of introducing pollution and environmental damage. This Domain considers the interface between the environment and human...
Honours, Interfaculty Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The grand challenge of the 21st century is sustainable well-being; that is, to improve human well-being while maintaining the Earth's life-support systems. As individuals, sometimes tackling these sustainability challenges...
Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Do you have a strong interest in both physiology and mathematics? Do you wish to pursue careers in the biological or biomedical sciences? If so, this specialized, interdisciplinary program may be right for you. The Physiology...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
How do cells behave? In what ways do dysfunctional molecular interactions result in diseases? How can we design molecules to cure those diseases? Biochemistry aims to help us answer these and other complex questions. At its...
Macdonald Campus
Humankind has used technological advances to exploit the environment to its benefit, with the consequence of introducing pollution and environmental damage. This Domain considers the interface between the environment and human...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you interested in biodiversity and conservation? As the impact of industrialization and population growth on natural systems has become more severe, conservation has emerged as an important area of practical endeavour. In...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The relationship between human health and environment is a complex, developing field. While the study of health often falls within the health sciences, the social sciences also play an important role in the design,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Interdisciplinary research that draws from the natural and physical sciences is an important aspect of modern biology. The Quantitative Biology (QB) Honours option is designed for students with a deep interest in biology who...


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