75 results in Pure and applied sciences (remove filter)
Major, Honours, Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Atmospheric science helps us to predict the weather and better understand complex climate patterns. This program will provide you with the necessary knowledge to develop short- and long-range weather and climate predictions,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
This domain explores the way in which the resources necessary for human society are extracted from the earth, used as raw materials in our factories and refineries, and then returned to the earth as waste. Geological processes...
Major Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics is crucial to understanding how the universe functions, from atoms and subatomic particles to stars, galaxies and cosmological bodies. Physics explores the most fundamental measurable quantities of energy and matter...
Macdonald Campus
The Specialization in Plant production will provide you with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills relating to the biology and physiology, breeding, propagation, and management of domesticated plants. The plant industry ...
Macdonald Campus
Agrologists are professionals who advise farmers, governments, industry, media and the public about all things related to agriculture. They specialize in plants, soils, livestock, agricultural engineering or economics. ...
Macdonald Campus
In the Environmental Biology Major, you'll receive world-class training on the biology, conservation and ecology of plants, birds and mammals, insects, fungi and microbes.  Your courses will offer a foundation in endangered...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Chemical engineers design processes and systems required to scale something a chemist produces in a test tube (like plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals) into mass manufacturable products. All kinds of industries rely on...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, many of the materials we use, and much of the recreation and culture we enjoy are products of ecological systems.  We manage ecosystems to provide us with these...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
At the Bieler School of Environment, you will learn how to communicate and contribute effectively on a range of environmental issues. Benefit from an environment where ingenuity and openness to new ideas are encouraged – and ...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
McGill’s Food Science & Nutritional Science program is one of a kind in North America. This 4-year, dual degree programs allows you to study the complementary disciplines of food and nutritional sciences, and earn two...


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