69 results in Honours (remove filter)
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Feeding the world is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Sustainable agricultural and food production systems are essential for meeting the growing global demand for food, fuel and fibre. Since food production also...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics is crucial to understanding how the universe functions, from atoms and subatomic particles to stars, galaxies and cosmological bodies. Physics explores the most fundamental measurable quantities of energy and matter...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Latin-American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the peoples, cultures, history, literature, politics, economy, and geography of Latin America and the Caribbean.    This program...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Software engineers design, develop and test the software programs that apply computer technology to everyday processes. Things as fundamental to our daily lives as downloading e-mails or scanning barcodes at the grocery store...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Contemporary business activities can no longer be considered separately from the pressing social and environmental challenges that we face.   The Strategic Management Major brings together traditional strategic management...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
How do societies decide what to produce, and how much of it? What determines prices, exchange rates, interest rates and levels of inflation? As an Economics student, you will explore the answers to these questions. You’ll gain...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The BSc. Mathematics Major program will provide you with fundamental knowledge of the various branches of mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and probability) among other areas of the discipline...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Sociology is the study of societies, patterns of social relationships and social interactions, and the culture that surrounds everyday life.   McGill’s Sociology program offers you an intellectually rewarding and practically...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language: how humans learn and use language, and the properties that characterize human languages around the globe. In this program you will learn about the vast range of ...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The brain is one of the most complex systems in the universe and understanding how it functions is one of science's most significant challenges. The BSc. Neuroscience Major program seeks to provide you with the knowledge...


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