232 results in Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Major Concentration, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Le Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création occupe une position unique à l'Université McGill, puisque tout s'y déroule en français au même titre que dans une université francophone. Situé...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In the Minor in Electrical Engineering, you will develop an understanding of key principles of rapidly advancing fields, including computer technology, micro-electronics, automation and robotics, telecommunications, and power...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The goal of environmental engineering is to make sure that societal development and the use of water, land and air resources are sustainable. This is done by managing resources so that environmental pollution and degradation...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Faculty Program in Music: Jazz is designed for students who trained as jazz musicians and who are interested in a pattern of specialization not provided in the established major programs, or who are interested in combining...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Offered as both a major and a concentration, Labour-Management Relations and Human Resources will give you the tools needed to practice human resource management, particularly in a unionized environment. Not only will Labour-...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music, science and technology are increasingly intertwined. From new kinds of instruments and studio equipment, to computer programs and sound generators, technology has changed the music industry and made creating music more...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
You can pursue a minor in Arabic, Persian, Turkish or Urdu through the Islamic Studies Institute. Whichever language you choose, you’ll receive comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  You can...
Professional Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
This enriching program will prepare you to become a specialist educator of English as a Second Language (ESL) at both the elementary school level (including regular and intensive ESL) and the secondary school level (including...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Atmospheric science helps us to predict the weather and better understand complex climate patterns. This program will provide you with the necessary knowledge to develop short- and long-range weather and climate predictions,...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mechanical engineers are involved in the conception, design, implementation and operation of a variety of mechanical systems, from bicycles and space shuttles to espresso machines. This program will help you gain expertise...


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