Academic Careers

The academic job search takes years. It begins by building a relationship with your supervisor, who will eventually act as a reference, attending academic conferences and networking with potential collaborators, working as a teaching assistant and compiling evaluations, developing your research, getting published, building your teaching portfolio, writing your CV and cover letter, applying for faculty positions and getting through the interview process.

Accelerate your Academic Job Search

Join a group of PhDs applying for tenure-track academic jobs or full time contract academic jobs

Registration is closed for Fall 2023. To join the next available group, fill in this form 

  • Group members meet twice a month to share progress, support, and feedback on application materials and interview prep. 
  • By the end of a semester, group members will prepare an academic job application
  • Potential topics: Academic CVs, Teaching Portfolios, Research Statements, EDI statements, Teaching Demos, Job Talks, Networking as an Early Career Researcher, Campus Visits, Job searching with a spouse/children, Maximizing time in a postdoc, Book/Grant proposals, etc. 


Please note that CaPS and McGill do not endorse any particular websites/services; the listing below is for your information only.

Academic CVs & Résumés

For a list of sample CVs or résumés, consult the following sites:

Articles of Interest

Consult the following sites for tips and advice on writing academic résumés / CVs.

Academic Cover Letters

For a list of sample cover letters, consult the following sites:

Articles of Interest

Consult the following sites for tips and advice on writing academic cover letters.

Teaching Portfolios

Developing a great personal teaching portfolio or statement is crucial. For a list of sample portfolio or research statement, visit the following websites.

Articles of Interest

Consult the following sites for tips and advice on developing your teaching portfolio / statement.

Academic Interviews

Consult the following websites for a list of sample interview questions for academic jobs.

Articles of Interest

Tips and advice on how to prepare for an academic job interview as well as what to expect in the first round interview.

Reference Letters

Tips and advice on how to ask for a recommendation or reference letter.

Salary Information

Use the following websites to find out average academic salary or stipends.

Articles of Interest

Consult the following sites for tips and advice on salary negotiation.

Academic Job Boards

Academic Job Websites
Academic job boards in Canada, USA, Europe and around the world.


Join one or more groups to connect with alumni and professionals in your field to build your network and find job leads.

  • McGillConnect
    Join the global McGill community to build and expand your network.
    A platform for academics to share research interests.
  • Academia Stack Exchange
    A question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education.
  • Academic Jobs Wiki
    A information-sharing platform for academic job candidates.
  • LinkedIn - McGill University
    Connect McGill alumni on LinkedIn to build your network.
  • Connect with alumni from your faculty, department or professionals in your field to expand your network and find job opportunities.

Career Planning

Career information, tips and advice for those who are interested in landing an academic job.

For more career resources, consult the following resources:

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