
This page is under development: preliminary links to useful sites.

Cultural Consultation Service Clinical Handbook

Cultural competence

  1. SAMHSA’s National Mental Health information Center
  2. APA Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Population
  3. U.S. OMH Guidelines for Assuring Competence in Health Care
  4. Georgetown National Center for Cultural Competence

    This National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) is one of the major resources on the web for information on cultural competence. It provides training, technical assistance, and consultation at the local, state, federal and international level.

  5. Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) - Early Childhood Research Institute

    The Early Childhood Research Institute on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) is a resource bank of culturally and linguistically appropriate materials related to early childhood intervention. This site provides a list of publications, which are organized by review guidelines, technical reports and literature reviews conducted by CLAS.

  6. Diversity RX

    DiversityRx is a databank of information related to the cultural and linguistic needs of ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees in the United States. This site has a section devoted to models and practices. This section offers practical information concerning how to design programs that address linguistic and cultural barriers to health care, based on the past and evolving experiences of individuals and organizations.

  7. Government of British Columbia: Ministry for Children and Families

    The Ministry for Children and Families, a branch of the Government of British Columbia, developed this Cultural Competency Assessment Tool.

  8. The Center for Organizational Cultural Competence

    The Center offers training, presentations, and educational tools related to managing change, addressing diversity, building organizational cultural competence, and leveraging differences at work. It offers workshops and training related to cultural competence to health professions.

  9. National MultiCultural Institute (NMCI)

    NMCI provides consultation, training, and leadership development conferences for physicians and health professionals, as well as providing publication and resources such as training manuals and toolkits.

  10. Multicultural Mental Health Australia (MMHA)

    This Multicultural Mental Health Australia (MMHA) provides national, state and local leadership in mental health and suicide prevention for Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

  11. Mosaic

    Mosaic is a multilingual non-profit organization, which aims to address issues that relate to the settlement and integration of immigrants and refugees in Canada.

  12. BC Partners for Mental Health: Here to Help

    BC Partners for Mental Health and Addiction Information is composed of a group of provincial non-profit agencies for mental health and addictions. This organization has many documents and resources available in more than 10 languages.

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