Lab members

Shari Baum - Distinguished James McGill Professor

Annie C. Gilbert, PhD - Research associate / Lab manager
Claire Honda - Doctoral Student
Stéphanie Deschamps - Doctoral Student
Dominique Louër - Doctoral Student

Annie C. Gilbert

Annie C. Gilbert

annie.c.gilbert [at] (Email) - Website

I have a long-standing interest in elucidating how humans communicate via variations in air pressure, more commonly known as "sounds". This interest resulted in my completion of a doctoral degree in linguistics at Universite de Montréal, where I studied both perception and production of speech. In particular, I examined the physiological, psycholinguistic, and neurolinguistic correlates of structural prosody. Subsequently, I completed post-doctoral training in psychology and communication sciences and disorders at McGill Univeristy, where I continued examining speech communication, using a variety of other methods and techniques. My current research goal is to examine what is specific to speech processing itself versus what can be explained by domain-general (physiological or cognitive) constraints. My other academic interests include speech acquisition, language evolution, forensic applications of acoustic phonetics, and teaching.

Annie C. Gilbert's Google Scholar page Annie C. Gilbert's Linkedin page  Annie C. Gilbert's ResearchGate page  Annie C. Gilbert's Academia page

Claire Honda

Claire Honda [at] (Email)

I am currently using EEG to study a brainwave called the frequency following response. I am interested in how differences in brain activity relate to differences in the perception of speech sounds. I hope to contribute to our understanding of why some people learn languages more easily than others, so that language learning can become more accessible and successful for everyone.

Claire Honda's Linkedin page

Stéphanie Deschamps

Stéphanie Deschamps

stephanie.deschamps2 [at] (Email)

My research focuses on exploring the neural correlates of early language experiences, and how these experiences modulate the organization of the brain and language processing later on in life. My current work with international adoptees from China examines the effects of early but discontinued exposure to a tonal language on the processing of lexical tones in adulthood, at both the cortical and subcortical levels, through the implementation of neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, EEG) and behavioural methods.

Dominique Louer

Dominique Louër

dominique.louer [at] (Email)

My research looks at the impact of bilingualism on cognitive reserve and brain anatomy in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. I am interested in understanding if speaking more than one language contributes to cognitive and linguistic advantages in two patient populations (Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease), and how bilingualism modulates structural grey matter in the brain. I use a combination of neuropsychological tests and neuroimaging (MEG, MRI) to answer these questions.


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