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2023 Student Infographic Contest

What does AMR mean to you?

With the rise of social media being used to relay scientific information, we invited McGill undergraduate and graduate students and postgraduates to create an infographic about what AMR means to them.  The attendees at our last Seminar + Social event on February 1st voted on the submissions and Laura Domínguez's two page infographics was first choice!    

Congratulations to Laura Domínguez, winner of the AMR Centre Infographic contest! Thank you to all that voted and to all of those who submitted! 


AMR Infographic pg 1 by Laura Dominguez  AMR Infographic pg 2 by Laura Dominguez

AMR Infographic Page 1 and 2 by Laura Dominguez


AMR Infographics by Prerna Singh

AMR Infographic by Prerna Singh


 AMR Infographic by Arianna Giurleo

AMR Infographic by Arianna Giurleo


AMR Infographic by Sophia Jeroncic

AMR Infographic by Sophia Jeroncic

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