



Baurhoo, Bushansingh (Shyam)

Adjunct Professor

Director, Research & Development, Bélisle Solution Nutrition Inc.
T: 514-659-8276  |  F: 450-658-0263  |  bbaurhoo [at] belisle.net (Email)  |  Web

Bordignon, Vilceu

Associate Professor

Reproductive biology. In vitro fertilization. Embryo culture. Somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nuclear reprogramming. Animal cloning. Animal biotechnology.
T: 514-514-398-7793  |  vilceu.bordignon [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-089

Burgos, Sergio

Assistant Professor

Protein nutrition and metabolism; nutrient sensing and metabolic signalling; application of functional genomics in metabolic research.
T: 514-398-7802  |  sergio.burgos [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-088

Chénier, Martin

Assistant Professor (also in Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry)

Contamination of the food chain by biological agents; fate of bovine prions.
T: 514-398-7923  |  martin.chenier [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-055

Cue, Roger

Associate Professor

Quantitative genetics. Dairy cattle genetics. Estimation of genetic parameters from large-scale milk recording data for production and reproduction traits. Mixed model methodologies.
T: 514-398-7805  |  roger.cue [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-080

Duggavathi, Raj

Assistant Professor

Development of models to study roles of a specialized class of transcription factors, nuclear receptors, for efficient domestic animal production
T: 514-398-7803  |  raj.duggavathi [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS 1-085

Hayes, Flannan


Dairy cattle population genetics. Estimation of genetic parameters and associations of production traits with DNA and protein polymorphisms.
T: 514-398-7804  |  john.f.hayes [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  | Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-081

Ibeagha-Awemu, Eveline

Adjunct Professor

Research Scientist - Animal Genomics, Dairy and Swine Research & Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
T: 819-780-7249  |  F: 819-564-4974  |  Eveline.Ibeagha-Awemu [at] AGR.GC.CA (Email)  |  Web

Kimmins, Sarah

Associate Professor; Canada Research Chair in Epigenetics, Reproduction and Development

Epigenetic mechanisms in germ cells using transgenic mouse models and in vitro techniques to determine how drugs and nutrition influences gene regulation.
T: 514-398-7658  |  sarah.kimmins [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-091

Lacasse, Pierre

Adjunct Professor

Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
T: 819-565-9174 (x236)  |  F: 819-564-5507  |  pierre.lacasse [at] agr.gc.ca (Email)  |  Web

Lefebvre, Daniel agr

Adjunct Professor

General Manager, and Director Research & Development, Valacta
T: 514-459-3030  |  F: 514-459-3020  |  dlefebvre [at] valacta.com (Email)  |  Web

Monardes, Humberto

Associate Professor

Dairy cattle population genetics. Dairy herd recording operations. Genetic parameters from large-scale milk recording data for conformation traits, mastitis/somatic cell count, milk proteins, lifetime performance. Identification of genetic markers for resistance to mastitis.
T: 514-398-7809  |  humberto.monardes [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-093

Murphy, Bruce

Adjunct Professor

Professor of Reproductive Physiology, Département de biomédecine vétérinaire, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal
T: 450-345-8521(18382)  |  F: 450-778-8103  | bruce.d.murphy [at] umontreal.ca (Email)  |  Web

Mustafa, Arif

Associate Professor

Dairy cattle nutrition. Ruminant carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Nutritional evaluation of new forages for dairy cows. Optimizing the feeding value of agricultural by-products for ruminant animals.
T: 514-398-7506  |  arif.mustafa [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-086

Santschi, Débora

Adjunct Professor

Nutrition and Management Expert, Research and Development, Valacta
T: 514-459-3030  |  F: 514-459-3020  |  dsantschi [at] valacta.com (Email)  |  Web

For more information please visit here

Wade, Kevin

Associate Professor; Department Chair

Information systems in dairy cattle breeding and milk recording. Artificial intelligence in the development of on-farm decision-support systems. Quantitative genetics in dairy cattle.
T: 514-398-7973  |  kevin.wade [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-083

Xia, Jianguo (Jeff)

Assistant Professor (also Institute of Parasitology)

Bioinformatics and statistics for high-throughput omics data; host-parasite-gut microbiome interactions; big data analytics and systems biology.
T: 514-398-8668  |  jeff.xia [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  | Parasitology Building, P-214

Zadworny, David

Associate Professor

DNA markers associated with milk production traits in dairy cattle. Prolactin-mediated regulation of polyamine metabolism. Molecular cloning and expression of avian and bovine genes associated with reproduction and production traits.
T: 514-398-7978  |  david.zadworny [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-094

Zhao, Xin

James McGill Professor

Dairy cattle biochemistry and physiology. Mastitis. Vaccine development.
T: 514 398 7975  |  xin.zhao [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-084

Other Researchers and Teaching Staff



Lacroix, René ing
Analyste - Valorisation des données, Recherche et développement, Valacta
T: 514-459-3030 (x7530)  |  rlacroix [at] valacta.com (Email)


Research Associates and Assistants

Ashraf, Shoaib
Research Associate (Zhao Lab)
T: 514-398-7539  |  shoaib.ashraf [at] mail.mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-049

Baldassarre, Hernan 
Research Associate (Bordignon Lab)
T: 514-398-7670  |  hernan.baldassarre [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-090

Lafleur, Christine Isabelle
Research Assistant (Kimmins Lab)
T: 514-398-7795 |  christine.lafleur [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-092

Liu, Wucheng
Research Assistant (Mustafa Lab)
T: 514-398-7664  |  wucheng.liu [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-111

Lambrot, Romain
Research Associate (Kimmins Lab)
T: 524-398-7795 |  romain.lambrot [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-092


Teaching Staff

Laurin, Denyse
Course Coordinator/Lab Tech
T: 514-398-7659  |  denyse.laurin [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  | Macdonald-Stewart Building, MSB-038 

Martin, Deborah
Lab Coordinator
T: 514-398-7798  |  deborah.martin [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  |  Macdonald-Stewart Building, MS1-078 

Meldrum, Paul 
Macdonald Campus Farm Manager 
T: 514-398-8663  |  paul.meldrum [at] mcgill.ca (Email)  | Farm Office

Emeritus Professors

roger.buckland [at] mcgill.ca (Buckland, Roger B.)

eduardo.chavez [at] mcgill.ca (Chavez, Eduardo R.)

gdonefer [at] cogeco.ca (Donefer, Eugene)

bruce.downey [at] mcgill.ca (Downey, Bruce R.)

urs.kuhnlein [at] mcgill.ca (Kühnlein, Urs )

touchburns [at] mcgill.ca (Touchburn, Sherman P. )


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