Background & Rationale

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) help McGill set targets and track its progress towards realizing its strategic priorities. The first KPI report was presented to the Board in May 2009 and thereafter annually. The timing has now been moved to the Fall to allow for fuller analysis of the previous years' data. This results in a more comprehensive report on performance. 

Alignment with Mission & Strategic Priorities

The development of the KPIs have been directly informed by the University's major strategic priorities and its core mission. They provide a high-level measurement of the University's performance toward its strategic priorities. 

Compliance with University Policy

KPI reporting is part of the annual cycle of planning, budgeting, reporting and quality assurance that functions as a report to stakeholders and provides transparency on important accountability elements. 

Compliance with Legislation/External Regulations

McGill's KPI framework was originally drafted with input from the provincial government Entente de partenariat, which contained 14 mandatory indicators common to all universities and three other university-specific ones. The current government does not require the university to report on specific KPIs.

Risk Factors

Budgetary environment may impact the University's ability to achieve targets and realize strategic objectives. 

Sustainability Considerations

The linking of Sustainability Indicators with key performance management systems more generally is ongoing. 

Impact of Decision & Next Steps

An update on the Key Performance Indicators and their link with the University's strategic planning is provided to the Board annually.