Academic programs

At McGill, the creation, revision and retirement of credit-courses and academic programs are subject to evaluation and approval by:

  1. The relevant academic committees of the teaching unit and Faculty, and
  2. The relevant University committees,  to be determined by the nature and scope of the proposal.

Central approval by the University involves different stakeholders, and potentially several University committees including the Council for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (CGPS), the Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs (SCTP), the Academic Policy Committee (APC) and Senate.

Please see below for detailed approval pathways, guidelines and resources. Please contact us for any questions on the process.

Academic programs

Sequence of approval for new programs depends on the nature of the proposal: Creation of New Programs.

Guidelines for the creation of new degree programs – coming up.

Sequence of approvals for program modifications depends on the scope of the proposed revision: Program Revisions.

Sequence of approval for program retirements - coming up.

Guidelines and forms for the revision and retirement of academic programs are available on the SCTP webpage.


Sequence of approvals for the creation, revision and retirement of credit courses: Approval Path for Courses

Guidelines and forms for the creation, revision and retirement of credit-courses are available on the SCTP website.



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