Awards & Scholarships

Internal Awards

Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies annually awards Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships to incoming PhD students of high academic merit.

Value: Up to $35,000 per year, renewable twice. International students also receive a Differential Fee Waiver. For more details of the award and eligibility, visit the Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships webpage.

Application: Applicants must submit their application package to the Biology Department by email to ancil.gittens [at] (subject: Tomlinson%20Doctoral%20Fellowship%20Application) (Ancil Gittens). For details of the application package see the Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships webpage.

Deadline: May 24, 2023 (midnight)

*The McGill Writing Centre’s Graphos program will provide an info session on strategies for writing the application on May 4th, 2023. Information on registration for the info session is available on their website.


Vineberg Fellowship in Freshwater Biology/Limnology

Awarded to an outstanding McGill graduate student conducting field-based research on freshwater communities and ecosystems. Preference will be given to PhD students who are beyond their qualifying year and who will not hold a major scholarship during the year of the Vineberg award.

Value: $7000, awarded once per recipient.
Application: Submit a complete CV, unofficial transcripts, and a 1-page statement of current research activities (electronically) to irene.gregory-eaves [at] (Dr. Irene Gregory-Eaves), Department of Biology.
Deadline: July 15, 2022.

Applicants will be notified of their status before Aug. 1, 2022.

Writing-Year Award

1. These awards are intended to provide dedicated writing time to PhD students who are in their final year, to allow them to focus on writing their PhD dissertations and assist in meeting thesis submission deadlines. The award size will depend on available funds but will be approximately $7,000 CAD. The funds will contribute to the student’s stipend/tuition and therefore may reduce the supervisor’s contribution and/or the need to TA for the student. Students may request funds for Winter 2023 in the current call.

2. Application must include:

  • a CV (2-page maximum) that includes: awards/fellowships/grants; presentations; publications; service, and any other relevant information
  • a short justification, including planned thesis submission date, a list of previous TA assignments (if any), and any other relevant information
  • the supervisor’s signature (on application form)
  • writing period request (Winter 2023)

3. Applications will be evaluated based on academic excellence and justification for award (e.g., financial need, pending post-doctoral fellow position). Previous TA workload will be considered in evaluating need, but TA experience is not required.

4. A limited number of awards will be available each year, contingent upon sufficient funding.

5. Each student may receive only one award during his/her graduate career.

Application deadline for Winter 2023 awards: December 9, 2022 (5:00PM)

Interested applicants should complete the PDF icon Winter 2023 Writing-Year Award Application Form and submit it via MS Forms

If you have questions, please contact ancil.gittens [at] (subject: Question%20about%20Writing-Awards) (Ancil Gittens).

Please visit the McGill Fellowships and Awards - Deadlines & Submissions for complete list and details

External Awards

Visit Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies - Funding for complete information regarding all external awards.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Postgraduate Scholarships

Open to Canadians/Landed Immigrants only. Forms are available in September. Students should apply through their current (or former, for those not currently attending university) department, which sets internal deadlines earlier than those stated by NSERC.

Refer to NSERC Doctoral Scholarships or to NSERC directly.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Awards

Open to Canadians/Landed Immigrants only. Forms are available in September. Apply directly to the agency.

Refer to CIHR Doctoral Research Award or to CIHR directly.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR CGS) Master's Awards

Open to Canadians/Landed Immigrants only. Forms are available in October.

Refer to Master's Harmonized Tri-Council Awards - CIHR, NSERC & SSHRC or to CIHR directly.

Québec Provincial Scholarships - FRQNT (Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies) and FRQS (Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé)

Québec residency required. Forms are available in September. Students should apply through their current department or directly to the agency if they are no longer attending university.

Refer to information provided by GPS.

Quebec Merit Fellowship for Foreign Graduates (PBEEE)

Deadline to pre-apply in the Department is in August.

Refer to Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE)

Please visit the McGill Fellowships and Awards - Deadlines & Submissions for complete list and details

Travel Awards

Science Graduate Professional Development Allocation

Allocation of $850 per graduate student.
This allocation is separate and in addition to other funding opportunities for conferences and travel such as the GREAT and Graduate Mobility awards.

What: To support participation and travel to conferences, seminars or other networking and professional development opportunities.

Who: Full-time Biology graduate students in thesis program (MSc 1-2 and PhD 1-6)

How: Request to be made to patricia.lianos [at]

Payment is processed through an expense report. Please contact info.biology [at] BEFORE submitting an Expense report.
Allocation may be split to accommodate local/smaller conferences. The balance remains available to the student for subsequent opportunities up to $850.

When: All year (No application deadline)

Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel (GREAT) Awards

*Please note that GREAT Award applications are now closed and will be available again September 2024.  

GREAT awards are given to students who will travel to present their research at a scientific conference.

The maximum amount of the award is $750. Priority will be given to students who have not yet received an award.

Interested applicants should complete the GREAT Award Application. Questions can be sent to patricia.lianos [at]

Applications must be submitted at least 1 month prior to the conference or seminar.

Graduate Mobility Awards

The Graduate Mobility Award is offered by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to encourage graduate students to study and conduct research abroad as part of their McGill degree program by defraying part of the cost of the international experience.

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