Who we are

The Laboratory for Impaired Production of Speech (L.I.P.S.) is located at the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at McGill University.

We specialize in the area of acquired motor speech disorders in adults that result from neurological damage in adult speakers, with a particular focus on neurodegenerative disorders.

Through the use of acoustic analysis and other instrumental and clinical measures, we are interested in understanding the deficits underlying the impairments of the speech subsystems, as well as the interactions between them and with other cognitive processes. We are also interested in developing efficient assessment tools for the detection and monitoring of motor speech disorders, including work with French-speaking individuals and acoustic biomarkers. Finally, we are interested in the variability in speech production in both healthy and neurologically impaired adults.

Ongoing projects in the lab focus on clinical populations such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and primary progressive apraxia of speech (PPAOS), and speech production in healthy adults.



More specifically, the L.I.P.S. aims to further the knowledge and understanding of:

1 the deficits underlying motor speech disorders in neurodegenerative diseases and acquired apraxia of speech
2 the early diagnosis and disease monitoring in neurodegenerative diseases, through tools development


3 the phenotypes of motor speech disorders and intra-speaker variability, including in Quebec French speakers
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