The 2022-23 CAnD3 Annual Report is here!

2020-2021 Training year events

In the eye of the storm: providing data-driven decision-making support during a pandemic

June 9, 2021, 10:00 - 12:00pm EDT (Online event)

Our featured speaker, Melinda Mills, has been at the frontlines of data-driven decision-making throughout the pandemic, regularly advising the UK Government's response and appearing in various news outlets and forums, including the BBC and the Science and Technology Innovation Program. Her talk will explore some of the unique challenges that this extraordinary era has presented for data-driven decision-making.

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What is the Future of the Census in Canada, the UK and the US?

May 12, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

Join a panel of expert professionals from Canada, the UK, and the US for a discussion on how the pandemic has impacted the census. What challenges has the pandemic posed for delivering a census? How has the census adapted to combat these issues? What lies ahead for future census work?

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Engaging with Indigenous Communities to Improve Perinatal Health Care

April 14, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Zoua Vang, Sociology, McGill University. Zoua M. Vang is an Associate Professor of Sociology and William Dawson Scholar at McGill, and Associate Investigator of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC). Reflecting her interdisciplinary scholarship, Dr. Vang is also an Associate Member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry, and the Institute for Health & Social Policy at McGill University. She is the founding Director of the Indigenous Maternal Infant Health & Wellbeing (IMIHW) Lab where she has been working in partnership with Indigenous communities in Quebec on projects related to perinatal health, cultural safety, and racism/discrimination as social determinants of women’s health and wellness. Her research in the area of immigrant and refugee perinatal health explores the impact of gender inequality, race/ethnicity, and pre-migration factors (e.g., exposure to trauma) on post-migration maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. Dr. Vang’s other research interests include the international migration, race/ethnic relations, the healthy immigrant effect, and racism/discrimination as social determinants of health. Trained as a mixed-method researcher, Dr. Vang uses both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and participatory research approaches when appropriate, in her studies. 

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Using Digital Trace Data and Social Media to Study International Migration: What probably doesn’t work and what might work

March 10, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Thomas Soehl & Aaron Erlich, McGill University.

Thomas Soehl is an Associate Professor of Sociology at McGill University and holds the Canada Research Chair in International Migration. His research highlights the importance of family dynamics and the inter-generational transmission of culture and socioeconomic characteristics. Taking seriously that every immigrant is also an emigrant, he examines migrants’ cross-border ties and how settlement reconfigures these ties. Taking a comparative view, he studies the diversity migration engenders, and the policies and politics emerging in response.

Aaron Erlich is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at McGill University. Dr. Erlich's research interests lie in democratization and democratic development. Much of his research addresses the role that information plays in developing democratic polities. He is also interested in advancing quantitative methods to measure the effect of information.

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How to Tell a Data Story

March 3, 2021, 10:00 - 12:00pm EDT (Online event)

Your analyses are rigorous, your results are compelling, and your visualizations are beautiful. But is that enough? Can you tell a good story? Join our third monthly CAnD3 Connect2Learn: How to Tell a Data Story, developed in collaboration with Claudia Sanmartin, Statistics Canada.

Be ready to roll up your sleeves and have some fun, engaging with CAnD3 partners, researchers and trainees and expanding your communication toolbox.

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Compensatory Connections? Living Alone, Loneliness, and the Buffering Role of Non-Household Ties Among Older American and European Adults

February 10, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Markus Schafer, University of Toronto.

Markus Schafer is Associate Professor of Sociology and Faculty Associate, Institute of Life Course and Aging at the University of Toronto. His research lies mainly in the area of health and aging. Some of the topics that interest him include adult health problems associated with childhood adversity, the association between health and social networks among older adults, the role of the physical environment in shaping older adults’ social connectedness and health, and the intersection of personal networks and religion.

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Chronic Pain as a Measure of Population Health

January 13, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Anna Zajacova, University of Western Ontario.

Anna Zajacova is a demographer who researches issues in population health, health inequalities, and social determinants of health over the adult life course. In particular, she aims to understand how educational experiences and attainment influence later-life health and longevity among adults and elderly. She has published on topics of marital happiness, health and longevity, educational disparities and adult health, disability trends and pain.

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Connecting the dots: Integrated policy development

December 16, 2020, 10:00 - 12:00pm EDT (Online event)

Designed and facilitated by the federal Policy Community Partnership Office, this hands-on, interactive workshop is designed to engage policy wonks and newbies alike. Come prepared to reflect on foundational questions about what is policy and what makes good policy. Be ready to roll up your sleeves and engage with CAnD3 partners, researchers and trainees on a burning population policy issue.

This Connect2Learn session will be led by Qi Wang of the Policy Community Partnership Office, established in 2017 by the Clerk of the Privy Council to improve the way decision-makers tackle the challenges and issues that affect Canadians, whether they come from Federal, Provincial/Territorial and Municipal Public Service, international governments, innovation hubs and labs, academics, or think tanks.

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When Policy Domains Collide: Trends and Projections of Effective Retirement Age and Its Impact on Care

December 9, 2020, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Janice Keefe, MSVU and Yves Carrière, Université de Montréal.

Janice Keefe's research areas include family caregiving policy and practice, home and long term care policy, home and long term care human resources and rural aging. From 2002-12. Dr. Keefe was MSVU's first Canada Research Chair in Aging and Caregiving Policy.

Yves Carrière's research expertise include demographic aging, older workers, retirement, and support networks. His goal is to ensure that his research on population aging influences decision-makers.

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The Unfolding of Climate Injustice: Projections of Social Inequalities as a Result of Climate Change in the United States

November 11, 2020, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Matt Hauer, Sociology, Florida State University.

Matt Hauer is a Sociologist and Demographer in the Department of Sociology and Center for Demography and Population Health at the Florida State University. His research stands at the interface between sociology, demography, and climate science, using demographic techniques and sociological theory to describe the impacts of the biggest challenge of our time: climate change.

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Visualization of Occupation and Industry Risks Associated with COVID-19

October 14, 2020, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This data visualization event features a webinar followed by a Q&A with Marie Connolly & Catherine Haeck, Research Group on Human Capital, Université du Québec à Montréal.

Marie Connolly is a Professor in the Department of Economics, School of Management at Université du Québec à Montréal. She is also the Director of the Research Group on Human Capital (GRCH), which seeks to contribute to economic research on human capital, using survey microdata representative of the population.

Catherine Haeck is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at the University of Quebec in Montreal. She is also the Academic Director of the CIQSS-UQAM-INRS laboratory and an invited researcher at the Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics. Her research focuses on the human capital development of children and youth.

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Data Ethics w/ Nicholas King, McGill University

October 7, 2020, 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT (Online event)

This interactive, online event will examine ethical dilemmas raised by the use of data in formulating, implementing, and evaluating decisions and policies, focusing in particular on balancing the risks and benefits of using data for policy, and addressing the unintended consequences of the data-driven policy.

Moderating the event is Nicholas King, an Associate Professor in the Department of the Social Studies of Medicine and an Associate Member in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University. He studies public health policy, ethics, and epistemology. He also directs the Policy and Data Science Program at McGill's Max Bell School of Public Policy.

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I Wouldn’t Have Thought This Possible!: New Frontiers in Population Data

September 30, 2020, 11:00 am -12:00 pm EDT (Online event)

Population data is changing at a rapid rate. In order to increase awareness of and generate discussion among CAnD3 trainees and consortium members about the frontiers of population data, CAnD3 is holding a Rapid Fire Panel webinar, 'I wouldn’t have thought this possible!: New frontiers in population data'.

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Population aging: From big picture to big decisions (CAnD3 Kick-Off)

September 23, 2020, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (Online event)

Our kick-off event features a webinar followed with Q&A with Miles Taylor, Sociology and Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, Florida State University.

Miles Taylor is a sociologist, gerontologist, and demographer specializing in the areas of physical and mental health, life course disadvantage, population aging, and family dynamics. Her research primarily examines processes of advantage and disadvantage across the life course and their implications for health in older adulthood.

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