CanSMART (Canadian Self-Management Research Team)

Half of all Canadian adults are living with at least one chronic disease, and many must deal with multiple chronic diseases simultaneously, know as multimorbidity. The care for people with multimorbidity can be complex, requiring self-management. When a person engages in self-management, he/she must apply actions and behaviours to protect and promote their health and manage the physical, emotional, and social effects of the chronic disease. Self-management requires developing skills and confidence, and a partnership with healthcare providers.

Individuals with chronic disease need support in order to meet their self-management needs. The CanSMART (Canadian Self-Management Research Team) team of researchers, patient partners, and clinicians developed an online survey, to better understand the self-management support needs of Canadian adults with chronic disease and increase accessibility to this support. This survey can help better understand patients’ needs and preferences for self-management education and support based on the self-management tasks they perform and their self-efficacy to perform these tasks.

Further reading and materials to download:

  • Bartlett S, Lambert S, McCusker J, Yaffe M, de Raad M, Belzile E, Ciampi A, Di Carlo M, Lyddiatt A. Self-management across chronic diseases: Targeting education and support. Patient Education & Counseling. 103(2):398-404, 2020.
  • Lambert S, McCusker J, Belzile E, Yaffe M, Ihejirika C, Richardson J, Bartlett S. Using confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis to examine the dimensionality of The Patient Assessment of Care for Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). Quality of Life Research. 30(5):1503-1512, 2021.
  • Lambert, S. D., Bartlett, S. J., McCusker, J., Yaffe, M., Ciampi, A., Belzile, E., & de Raad, M. Development and psychometric evaluation of the CanSmart questionnaire to measure chronic disease self-management tasks. BMC psychology, 10(1), 293, 2022.

PDF icon CanSMART short report

PDF icon CanSMART survey items in English

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