Succès accéléré pour une entreprise appuyée par un programme de McGill

Published: 22 September 2016

Lancée l’an dernier, la jeune entreprise Key2Access peut déjà compter sur une expertise variée au sein même de la famille qui l’a fondée : Sarah est étudiante en droit à McGill, Sophie est diplômée...

Selling textbooks without the hassle of the haggle

Published: 18 January 2017

As the new semester rolls in, so does a new textbook-exchanging app. Venndor, founded by recent McGill graduates Anthony Heinrich, Julien Marlatt and Tynan Davis, is a classifieds app with the goal...

Kickstart MDC

Published: 28 October 2013

Interested in Entrepreneurship?...

Ingénieurs: du laboratoire au marché

Published: 10 November 2014

[McGill Dobson Cup Start-UP Competition, Second Place Winner in For Profit track: LifePack is a light-weight, powerfully insulating, environmentally-friendly shipping container for temperature...

Feature: Solar backpack to boost learning for poor Kenyan children

Published: 25 September 2015

From hunger and malnutrition to striking teachers keeping them off normal learning for many days, a Kenyan child goes through diverse challenges to succeed in education.... While various state and...

McGill startup lab

Monday, April 11, 2016 12:00to15:00

Introducing the very first McGill Startup Lab! Every Monday and Tuesday 12:00 – 3:00 PM, any entrepreneur can come into the Research Commons (in McGill's Redpath Library building) and work on their...

McGill X-1 Weekly Recap Series | Week 7

Published: 28 July 2016

Can you believe Week 7 has already passed? Its incredible how quickly our startups are nearing their McGill X-1 Accelerator graduation and we can’t wait to celebrate!...

Two McGill students use company to raise awareness for diabetes

Published: 10 November 2016

Two students from McGill Univeristy have founded a company to help raise awareness about diabetes and to help those coping with it....

Winning Dobson Cup team on entrepreneurship, plans for the future and head movement as disease indicator

Published: 11 April 2017

Startup Saccade Analytics was the first place winner of the 2017 McGill Dobson Cup Health Sciences Track. The team’s pitch involved analyzing eye and head movement to help diagnose neural diseases....


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