
Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: An analysis of contextual factors, attitude, and behaviors

Published: 24 October 2016

AuthorsErtza, M., Karakasb, F., Sarigöllü, E. 

Publication: Journal of Business Research


By including the context within which consumers' pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors are formed, this research provides a comprehensive delineation of the process that leads from context to behavior. This is the first study to examine context factors as subjective perceptions made by consumers about aspects of their own situation, specifically the extent to which they perceive having more or less time, money, and power available. In contrast to previous research considering one type of behavior (such as recycling), this study recognizes pro-environmental behavior as a heterogeneous, multi-dimensional construct, and includes both public and private sphere behaviors. Pro-environmental business managers and policy-makers may not be in a position to impact objective contextual factors that consumers face, however, they may influence perceptions and attitudes. This study identifies specifically which variables may be of more interest to modulate, so as to increase pro-environmental behavior.

Read full abstract: Journal of Business Research October 2016 

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