McGill Prof. Mark Lefsrud and team awarded a $1.65 million research grant for their program, Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Cannabis Production, Products and Training

An inter-university collaboration led by Dr. Mark Lefsrud, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioresource Engineering, has received a $1.65 million research grant, to be distributed over six years, from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program.

Classified as: Research, Commercial Cannabis Program
Published on: 2 Jun 2020

Faire pousser des végétaux sur du béton? C’est possible, pratique et même très esthétique. Mark Lefsrud et son équipe, les chercheurs Sadie Moland et Intisar Syed Mahood, du Département de génie en bioressources de l’Université McGill, ont développé un mur végétal vertical nouveau genre : tomates, chou frisé, laitues et épinards poussent, non pas dans la terre, mais dans du béton poreux biocompatible. Ce substrat horticole original n’est pas encore commercialisé, mais il fait ses preuves depuis trois ans dans les serres de l’université.

Published on: 8 Jan 2020

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate David Leroux (BRE-Lefsrud) and fellow Cannafish team members, who were awarded the Agricultural Scholarship from Sollio Agriculture at Coopérathon 2019 held at Montreal’s Olympia Theatre. Coopérathon “is the world’s largest open innovation challenge that connects citizens, communities, entrepreneurs, researchers, academics and large institutions to develop, together, a socially responsible future.”

Classified as: entrepreneurship, Cannafish, innovation
Published on: 21 Nov 2019

On the second day of the 8th Asian-Australasian conference on precision agriculture at PAU, the keynote speaker of the day, Prof Viacheslav Adamchuk, [BRE] shared his views on sensor systems in precision agriculture with special emphasis on development of proximal soil and plant sensing systems, geospatial data processing and management and practical implementation of precision agriculture.


Classified as: Precision agriculture, sensor systems
Published on: 17 Oct 2019

Autonomous Controlled-Environment Chamber is "a growth system with minimal input and maximum crop yield"

When the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) was established in 2009, it was an experiment.

Classified as: growth chamber, plant growth
Published on: 9 Oct 2019

OpEd by Dr Alice Cherestes, Director, Freshman Program

Students talk about the course as OChem or Orgo, otherwise known as Organic Chemistry, one of the most dreaded courses for any student doing a university science degree. The course, taken mostly in the early stage of a student’s undergraduate degree, requires that material taught during the first week of class be understood and applied many weeks later when students do the final exam.  

Classified as: freshman program, exams
Published on: 3 Oct 2019

Professor Chandra Madramootoo is the recipient of the 2019 World Irrigation and Drainage Prize. During the Opening Ceremony of the World Irrigation Forum on September 02 in Bali, H.E. Minister Basuki Hadimulyono, Minister for Water Resources and Public Works of Indonesia, and H.E.

Classified as: water, Irrigation and Drainage
Published on: 13 Sep 2019

Urban agriculture is getting a $750,000 boost from the province and from Montreal to help develop the farming sector.

 The goal is to spur innovation and growth in urban farming, agriculture and local greenhouses, ensuring the projects align with the needs in each part of town to add to the vitality of the area.

... These measures have been due for a long time, said McGill University Urban Agriculture Professor Mark Lefsrud.

Classified as: urban agriculture
Published on: 6 Sep 2019

Imaginez un bateau robotisé équipé de capteurs qui sillonne les plans d’eau pour récolter des données sur la température, le pH, l’oxygène dissous et les contaminants. Grâce à la transmission d’un signal acoustique, ces données s’affichent en temps réel sur une carte qui permet de connaître la distribution et la dynamique des polluants, à des millions d’emplacements.

Classified as: robots, water
Published on: 22 Aug 2019

'You need political will, and it takes time' – urban greenhouses could benefit from more direct support from governments, experts say.

...Mark Lefsrud has studied different ways of growing food for more than 20 years. He is an associate professor at McGill University’s Macdonald Campus where he is a leader of the Biomass Production Laboratory and worked on the design of the Advanced Plant Habitat on the International Space Station.

Classified as: greenhouses, urban agriculture
Published on: 21 Aug 2019

Congratulations to Bioresource professor Chandra Madramootoo, who was recently made a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.


Classified as: CAE, Canadian Academy of Engineering
Published on: 4 Jul 2019

Today [June 20], Iain Stewart, President of the National Research Council, Canada's largest federal research and development organization, announced the results of the inaugural round of the NRC’s New Beginnings Initiative. The New Beginnings Initiative is part of the NRC’s Ideation Fund, which was announced in Budget 2018 to encourage, test and validate transformative research ideas generated by NRC researchers working with external collaborators.

... The projects with McGill collaborators and associated funding amounts include:

Classified as: bio-based materials
Published on: 2 Jul 2019

The University of Windsor’s Board of Governors announced Friday the appointment of Robert Gordon as seventh President and Vice-Chancellor, following a rigorous search led by a committee... Gordon earned bachelor and master’s degrees in [Agricultural] engineering from McGill University, and a PhD in Land Resource Science from the University of Guelph.

Read University of Windsor announcement

Published on: 27 May 2019

Bien des agriculteurs ont de la difficulté à estimer la juste quantité de fertilisant à utiliser pour obtenir le meilleur rendement à moindre coût lors de l’épandage d’azote dans leurs champs de maïs. Un nouvel outil, développé par Viacheslav Adamchuk, professeur et chercheur au Département de génie des bioressources, en partenariat avec Agriculture Canada, pourrait bientôt leur prêter main-forte.

Lire dans La Terre de chez nous




Published on: 23 May 2019

Dans une serre du campus Macdonald, Mark Lefsrud et ses étudiants sont à la recherche de la meilleure recette de lumière pour faire pousser des légumes et des fruits. « Il est en effet possible d’améliorer la production en serre en agençant les bonnes longueurs d’onde », explique le chercheur, qui rêve du jour où l’on pourra aussi produire des pêches en serre.

Classified as: serres, production, lumière, énergie
Published on: 30 Apr 2019


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