Congratulations to Professor Patricia Faison Hewlin and her colleagues across 25 academic institutions who have been awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant for the establishment of the "Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network (IIE-Net)".

Classified as: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Patricia Hewlin, Organizational Behaviour, Research EDI, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 4 Jun 2020

McGill University has awarded Professor Warut Khern-am-nuai with MI4 Emergency COVID-19 Research Funding to examine social media data to help retailers identify panic buying behavior during the pandemic.

This one-year project will help retailers identify surge demand early so that they can better distribute essential products like hand sanitizer and toilet paper for the benefit of both retailers and consumers.

Classified as: Warut Khern-am-nuai, Information Systems, covid-19
Published on: 29 May 2020

Anthony C. Masi, Professor of Industrial Relations & Organizational Behaviour at the Desautels Faculty of Management, has received MI4 Emergency COVID-19 Research Funding.

Classified as: Anthony Masi, Organizational Behaviour, covid-19
Published on: 29 May 2020

McGill University has awarded Professor Juan Serpa with MI4 Emergency COVID-19 Research Funding to monitor COVID-19’s impact on business in Canada and across the world. Titled Quebec Data Central for Impact of Covid-19 on Society and Business and for a Post-Pandemic World, the one-year project aims to support businesses, researchers and policymakers in making informed decisions in the post-COVID era.

Classified as: Juan Serpa, covid-19, operations management
Published on: 8 May 2020

Authors: Kartik K. Ganju, Hilal Atasoy, Brad Greenwood and Jeff McCullough

Publication: Management Science, Volume 66, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 5171-5181.


Although significant research has examined how technology can intensify racial and other outgroup biases, limited work has investigated the role information systems can play in abating them. Racial biases are particularly worrisome in healthcare, where underrepresented minorities suffer disparities in access to care, quality of care, and clinical outcomes. In this paper, we examine the role clinical decision support systems (CDSS) play in attenuating systematic biases among black patients, relative to white patients, in rates of amputation and revascularization stemming from diabetes mellitus. Using a panel of inpatient data and a difference-in-difference approach, results suggest that CDSS adoption significantly shrinks disparities in amputation rates across white and black patients—with no evidence that this change is simply delaying eventual amputations. Results suggest that this effect is driven by changes in treatment care protocols that match patients to appropriate specialists, rather than altering within physician decision making. These findings highlight the role information systems and digitized patient care can play in promoting unbiased decision making by structuring and standardizing care procedures.

Classified as: Information Systems, Desautels 22, management science, Research EDI, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 3 Mar 2020

Authors: Mohammad Nikoofal, Mehmet Gumus

Publication: European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming


Classified as: Mehmet Gumus, operations management
Published on: 3 Mar 2020

Authors: Hedayat Alibeiki, Mehmet Gumus

Publication: International Journal of Production Economics, Forthcoming


Classified as: Mehmet Gumus, operations management
Published on: 15 Jan 2020

Authors: Matthew Corritore, Amir Goldberg, Sameer B. Srivastava

Publication: Harvard Business Review, January-February 2020 Issue


Culture is easy to sense but hard to measure. The workhorses of culture research—employee surveys and questionnaires—are often unreliable.

Classified as: Strategy and Organization, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 15 Jan 2020

Authors: He Huang, Shanling Li & Yu Yu

Publication: The Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol. 110, Issue 6, Pages 901-910, 2019


Classified as: Shanling Li, operations management, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 15 Jan 2020

Authors: Patrick Augustin, Feng Jiao, Sergei Sarkissian, Michael J Schill

Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33, Issue 1, January 2020


We study how listing in multiple markets affects the dynamics between firms’ credit default swap (CDS) and stock returns. We find that cross-listing increases (1) the sensitivity of CDS to stock returns, (2) the integration of CDS with world equity and bond markets, and (3) the statistical synchronicity of CDS and stock prices. Our results are stronger for firms with greater media attention, analyst and CDS coverage, and Google search intensity and for listings in familiar markets. We suggest that a firm’s presence in global equity markets comes with an improvement in the credit-equity integration through a reduction of informational frictions.

Classified as: Patrick Augustin, finance, Sergei Sarkissian, Review of Financial Studies, Desautels 22
Published on: 15 Jan 2020

Author: Nathan Yang

Publication: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Forthcoming


Classified as: Marketing
Published on: 22 Nov 2019

Authors: Daniel Frank, Fan E, Angelos Georghiou, and Vedat Verter

Publication: The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Forthcoming


Classified as: operations management, Fan E
Published on: 15 Nov 2019

Authors: Sergei Sarkissian and Yan Wang

Publication: Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Forthcoming


Classified as: Sergei Sarkissian, finance
Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Author: Karl Moore

Publication: Wharton Leadership Digest, Summer Issue 2019


Classified as: Karl Moore, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 10 Oct 2019


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