Congratulations to the KPE recipients of U-Sports 2022-2023 Academic All-Canadian Awards:

Published on: 26 Mar 2024

Participate in this study to investigate the acute independent effects of dietary protein supplementation on bone metabolism in healthy adults aged 18-35 years participating in high-volume endurance running.

One baseline visit followed by two trials of 2 days each (approximately 15 hours total).

1) Must be between the age of 18 - 35 years old
2) Running at least 40 km/week the past 6 months

Classified as: call for submissions
Published on: 25 Mar 2024

Looking for adults aged 50 and above diagnosed with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes to participate in a research study.

Participation involves one audio-recorded interview conducted via Microsoft Teams or by phone.

Classified as: call for submissions
Published on: 25 Mar 2024
Participate in Study on Moving Beyond “Good vs. Evil”

The Science and Practice in Psychology research lab is inviting university students to participate in a brief ANONYMOUS survey approved by McGill’s Research Ethics Board.

Help them find out which potentially controversial socio-political topics could be discussed in the university context.

They are also trying to better understand some beliefs and attitudes that could get in the way or facilitate genuine dialogue.

Classified as: call for submissions
Published on: 22 Mar 2024

Dr. Tasmia Hai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, is a recipient of 2024 IMPaCT Salary Award.

Published on: 18 Mar 2024

TVA spoke to Dr. Marie-Hélène Pennestri, pediatric sleep expert from the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, about the impact of daylight savings time on our circadian rhythm, our alertness, and our physical and mental health. Could napping help with the adjustment? Hear expert advice about turning the clocks ahead and the effects of missing an hour of sleep:

(Interview available in French only.)

Published on: 12 Mar 2024
(The following message was sent out to the McGill community on Friday at 10:01 a.m. from the Office of the McGill President.)

Dear members of the McGill community,
A university must be a site for the free and respectful exchange of ideas, engagement with dialogue, and the pursuit of teaching and research. Fundamental to this mission is the ability to carry out academic activities in spaces that are welcoming and respectful of the pursuit and advancement of knowledge.
Last month, McGill saw a protest at the Desautels Faculty of Management that resulted in the movement of all classes there online for the day. As I have communicated earlier, this was unacceptable.  
I am aware of further calls and plans for groups to carry out protests that would ‘shut down’ academic activities at McGill in the weeks to come. Let me state in the clearest and most unambiguous of terms: we will not tolerate any interruption or interference with McGill’s operations as a result of protests, regardless of the cause concerned.
Our University will always be steadfast in its protection of civil liberties – including our freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly – within the limits of the law and our policies. Conversely, exercising these liberties outside of these bounds, such that our core activities are compromised, is not tolerable.
First and foremost, all members of our community have the right to learn, teach, and work in a peaceful environment without disruption. To ensure this, we will strictly and quickly apply the Operating Procedures Regarding Demonstrations, Protest and Occupations during any protest that would interfere with campus activities, including blocking access to buildings, rooms or classes.
These Procedures, which came out of extensive consultation with members of the McGill community in 2012-13, authorize Security Services to instruct demonstrators to reduce the level of noise, to identify themselves, to leave a particular location, to move to a more suitable location or to disperse. If they do not, as per the Operating Procedures, we will request police intervention.
I want to reassure the members of our McGill community that they will not be targeted for engaging in peaceful demonstrations that do not interfere with or obstruct University activities or otherwise violate the law or our policies.   
This campus belongs to all members of the McGill community. We must be open to the expression of views, even – perhaps especially – when these run against the grain or challenge established beliefs. What is not permissible, however, is the obstruction of entry or exit of any campus building or of any site where academic and research activities are meant to occur.
I appreciate that the last months have been incredibly difficult for many members of our community. It is my responsibility as President of McGill to ensure that, even in the face of tumultuous times, our University continues to move forward with its mission tied to teaching and learning, research, and service to society.
Deep Saini
President & Vice-Chancellor
McGill University

Published on: 11 Mar 2024
(This message was sent by email on March 11th at 8:28 a.m. to the Faculty's list of students, course instructors, and admin/support staff.)

Dear Education Community,

I am writing as a follow-up to the message sent by President Saini on Friday.

Classified as: security, Peaceful assembly on McGill’s campuses
Published on: 11 Mar 2024
How McGill’s Leaders #InspireInclusion

Friday, March 8 is International Women’s Day, marking the achievements of women and serving as a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.

This year’s theme is Inspire Inclusion – a message exemplified by McGill’s female leaders. At the moment, 10 of McGill’s 14 deans are women; three are the first to ever to lead their Faculty.

Their thoughts on the women who inspire them, the progress that’s been made, and the barriers that have yet to be broken.

Published on: 8 Mar 2024

With the impacts of climate change only projected to grow in the years to come, educational institutions urgently need to step up to the scale and scope of the challenge.

Published on: 7 Mar 2024

In February and March, McGill will be hosting Dr. Samaila Suleiman, Associate Professor, of History, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. In addition to conducting research and co-teaching with Nanre, Dr. Sulieman will be holding a special workshop on archiving and a keynote lecture.

Published on: 4 Mar 2024

Matthew Slopecki, Ph.D. candidate in the Biomechanics of Occupation and Sports Lab, recently presented his research on an innovative wearable technology approach to quantify performance and fatigue related changes in the movement patterns of Paralympic Swimmers.

He presented at both the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports "Mid-Year Symposium" and Institut National du Sports du Québec's conference series "The Ingenuity Behind the Performance".

Published on: 1 Mar 2024

The Office of First Nations and Inuit Education (OFNIE) at McGill receives investment from Rideau Hall Foundation / Fondation Rideau Hall as part of a $13.2M investment in seven Indigenous-led and teacher education programs.

Classified as: indigenous mcgill, ofnie
Published on: 29 Feb 2024

Margaret Mackenzie and Samantha Nepton, both 2023 graduates of the Bachelor of Education program, are finalists for the McCall MacBain Scholarships, Canada’s largest leadership-based scholarships for master’s and professional studies.

Each finalist was chosen based on their character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity.

Published on: 8 Feb 2024

Luke Spagnuolo has received The Gord Sleivert Young Investigator Award at the 2023 Sport Innovation Conference.

Luke received this award for his thesis project examining muscle fatigue in USports rowers which he presented at the conference in Halifax.

Published on: 7 Feb 2024


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