Authors: De Stampa, Matthieu; Vedel, Isabelle; Bergman, Howard; Novella, Jean Luc; Lechowski, Laurent; Ankri, Joël C.; Lapointe, Liette

Publication: Gerontologist, April 2013


Classified as: Health Care, Liette Lapointe
Published on: 27 Mar 2013

Authors: Ip, Edward; Zhang, Qiang; Lu, Ji; Mabry, Patricia L.; Dubé, Laurette

Publication: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2013


Classified as: Health Care, Laurette Dube
Published on: 20 Mar 2013

Authors: Vainik, Uku; Dagher, Alain A.; Dubé, Laurette; Fellows, Lesley K.


Classified as: Health Care, Laurette Dube
Published on: 1 Mar 2013

Authors: Dove, E.; Faraj, S.; Kolker, E.; Ozdemir, V.


Classified as: Health Care, Samer Faraj
Published on: 11 Feb 2013

Author: Henry Mintzberg


Myths impede the effective management of health care, for example that the system is failing (indeed, that is a system), and can be fixed by detached social engineering and heroic leadership, or treating it more like a business. This field needs to reframe its management, as distributed beyond the “top”; its strategy as venturing, not planning; its organizing as collaboration beyond control, and especially itself, as a system beyond its parts.

Classified as: Research, Health Care, Henry Mintzberg, Health Care Management
Published on: 8 Nov 2012

Despite high per-capita spending, health care in Canada consistently underperforms, according to the Commonwealth Fund, which tracks indicators for accessibility, timeliness and outcomes across a number of developed countries. The system that is straining to meet demand today will face an even higher burden in the years ahead, as the population ages. A number of Canadian business schools are looking to meet this challenge by educating future health care managers to bring new perspectives to old problems.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Health Care, MD-MBA, Vedat Verter, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM
Published on: 25 Sep 2012


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