Authors: Rindova, Violina P.; Yeow, Adrian Yong Kwang; Martins, Luis L.; Faraj, Samer A.


Classified as: Research, Samer Faraj
Published on: 26 Oct 2012

The McGill University Child Psychiatry Division is organizing a series of 4 bilingual seminars for the mental health professionals. These seminars will be presented in English, on Tuesday afternoon and in French on Wednesday afternoon, once a month, from 3:00 to 5:00 from January to April 2013

Please see attached brochure for details.

Thank you
Rita Riccio
Administrative Assistant
Division of Child Psychiatry, McGill University
Department of Child Psychiatry
The Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Centre

Classified as: Research, Child psychiatry, mental health
Published on: 26 Oct 2012

The McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre will receive generous support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Génome Québec to continue its trailblazing research in the field of epigenetics. The support announced today by the funding partners will go toward examining how environmental factors can alter the expression of our DNA and have life-long effects on human health.

Classified as: Research, epigenetics, Canadian Epigenetics Environment and Health Research Consortium, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, CEEHRC, CHR, Génome Québec Innovation Centre, Guillaume Bourque, Mark Lathrop
Published on: 22 Oct 2012
Time Healthland: More Sleep Means More Focused, Emotionally Stable Kids
Read full artcile:
CBS News: 27 extra minutes of sleep may make kids better behaved
Classified as: Research, pediatrics, Reut Gruber, sleep
Published on: 19 Oct 2012


McGill University’s Research Integrity Officer (RIO), Dr. Abe Fuks, has found no evidence to support allegations of research misconduct leveled against Prof. John Corbett McDonald in connection with his work on the health effects of asbestos.
Classified as: Research, asbestos, Eidelman, J. Corbett McDonald
Published on: 17 Oct 2012


Dear Members of the McGill Community,
Classified as: Research, asbestos, Eidelman, J. Corbett Macdonald, report
Published on: 17 Oct 2012

Volcanic eruptions vary from common, small eruptions that have little impact on humans and the environment to rare, large-to-gigantic eruptions so massive they can threaten civilizations. 


Classified as: Research, Don R. Baker, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Etna, magma, Swiss Light Source, volcanoes
Published on: 16 Oct 2012

McGill is proud to announce that six new Canada Research Chairs have been awarded and nine chairs have been renewed, bringing a total of over $15 million to the university for research in fields ranging from social inequalities in child health to experimental optomechanics over the next five to seven years.

Classified as: Research, Jody Heymann, Carl Ernst, amir shmuel, belinda nicolau, canada research chair, ernest seidman, ernesto schiffrin, frank j. elgar, jack sankey, joaquin madrenas, mindy levin, nikolas provatas, ronald niezen, roussos dimitrakopoulos, timothy geary, wissam musallam
Published on: 12 Oct 2012

Rare genetic mutation linked to psychiatric illnesses, obesity 

B Charlie Fidelman, GAZETTE Health Reporter October 8, 2012 

MONTREAL — Grounding chronic illnesses and mental disorders in human DNA is like trying to tease out a giant riddle that’s complicated by the intricate relationship between biology and behaviour. Hundreds of genes have been associated with psychiatric conditions, some erroneously, and they were not confirmed.

Classified as: genetics, Research, Carl Ernst, obesity, epigenetics, psychiatric illness
Published on: 11 Oct 2012

McGill researchers have identified a small region in the genome that conclusively plays a role in the development of psychiatric disease and obesity. The key lies in the genomic deletion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, a nervous system growth factor that plays a critical role in brain development.

Classified as: medicine, Research, mutation, Carl Ernst, disease, obesity, psychiatric
Published on: 10 Oct 2012

A cutting-edge neuroscience collaboration between McGill University – through its Brain@McGill network – and the University of Oxford received the McCarthy Tetrault Award of Excellence for Partnership from the Quebec Government Office in London.

Classified as: neuroscience, Research, McCarthy Tétrault Oxford Cuello Brain@McGill
Published on: 4 Oct 2012

Professor Liette Lapointe's article was selected by the Editorial Board of the 2012 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics as one of the best articles from the literature in medical informatics published in the past year.

The article is entitled: 

"The IT productivity paradox in health: a stakeholder's perspective." Int J Med Inform 2011 Feb;80(2):102-15.

Classified as: Awards, Research, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Liette Lapointe
Published on: 25 Sep 2012

It starts with a simple piece of clear rubber tubing connected to a small and nondescript – though expensive – oblong brown box, both attached to a bicycle frame.

Classified as: engineering, Research, Cycling, Hatzopoulou
Published on: 25 Sep 2012


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