Professors Murray Humphries, Director of the McGill Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE), and Treena Delormier and Hugo Melgar-Quinonez, both from the School of Human Nutrition, will play key roles in the NFRF-T project, Biodiversity Conservation and the Health and Well-being of Indigenous Peoples, led by the University of A

Classified as: Murray Humphries, Treena Wasonti:io Delormier, Hugo Melgar-Quinonez, CINE, Truth and Reconciliation, biodiversity, conservation
Published on: 24 Jan 2022

A team of researchers believe that Quebec’s protected areas are poised to become biodiversity refuges of continental importance. They used ecological niche modeling to calculate potential changes in the presence of 529 species in about 1/3 of the protected areas in southern Quebec almost all of which were under 50 km2 in size. Their results suggest that fifty - eighty years from now (between 2071–2100) close to half of the protected regions of southern Quebec may see a species turnover of greater than 80 %.

Classified as: science, conservation, Research, School of the Environment, climate change, ecosystem response to climate change
Published on: 15 May 2018

One of the world’s 7,000 languages vanishes every other week, and half – including scores of indigenous North American languages -- might not survive the 21st century, experts say. To preserve as much linguistic diversity as possible in the face of this threat, McGill University scientists are proposing to borrow a leaf from conservation biology.

Classified as: Languages, threatened, biodiversity, conservation, Biology, preservation, species, Jonathan Davies, Max Farrell, evolutionary tree, language tree, linguistic
Published on: 13 Dec 2017

Ecosystems are a complex web of interactions. These ecological networks are being reorganized by extinctions and colonization events caused by human impacts, such as climate change and habitat destruction. In a paper published this week in Nature Ecology & Evolution, researchers from McGill University and University of British Columbia have developed a new theory to understand how complex ecological networks will reorganize in the future.

Classified as: conservation, climate change, landscape, environmental, biodiversity, Andrew Gonzalez, habitat, ecosystem, migration, Nature Ecology and Evolution, species, corridor
Published on: 9 May 2017

To  what extent are the world’s rivers protected?  

In 2010, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), an international treaty for the conservation of biodiversity, set a 17% target for the protection of ‘inland waters,’ including rivers. But there was a problem: there was no good way to measure progress toward that target.  

Classified as: conservation, biodiversity, Lehner, Nature Conservancy, rivers, food and sustainability, protection, Convention on Biological Diversity, freshwater, Abell
Published on: 10 Nov 2016

Today at a press conference in Quebec City, the Institut Nordique du Quebec (INQ) announced three Northern Research Chairs, as well as a newly recruited Science and Innovation Director, Louis Fortier.

Classified as: conservation, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, food security, Northern Research, wildlife
Published on: 1 Nov 2016
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