What can older generations learn from Millennials and Gen Z about leadership, strategy, and dealing with crisis? And how can these younger generations unlock their professional potential by engaging in meaningful work and taking larger roles in organizational strategy and change?

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Karl Moore
Published on: 4 Jul 2023

What if just doing your job causes you to lose your job? New technologies have constantly replaced old technologies for hundreds of years, but new digital technologies, namely artificial intelligence and other data-driven technologies, are doing more than replacing old tech—they’re replacing the people who create those technologies in the first place.

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Alain Pinsonneault, Emmanuelle Vaast
Published on: 3 Jul 2023

The global transition to net-zero requires significant changes in the way businesses operate and grow. How can business leaders successfully manage this energy transition? What are its opportunities and risks for businesses? And what role do corporate boards and investors play in overseeing and encouraging the transition?

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Sebastien Betermier, Sustainable Growth Initiative (SGI)
Published on: 8 Jun 2023

What does accounting have to do with sustainability? Essentially, everything. Just as research and regulations around sustainability have expanded in recent years, so has sustainability accounting, focusing on activities of an organization that have a direct impact on its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects.

Classified as: Brian Wenzel, Accounting, Sustainable Growth Initiative (SGI), Javad Nasiry, delve, Thought Leadership
Published on: 5 Jun 2023

Craft business, such as microbreweries and ethical chocolate companies, has seen a rise in the past several years, with many claiming to put values over excessive profit. Meanwhile, larger, more economically driven businesses have imploded in the wake of questionable decision making. Are craft businesses somehow more ethical or moral than others? Or is business ethics an oxymoron? The answer depends on values.

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Saku Mantere, Laidley Centre for Business Ethics
Published on: 31 May 2023

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Add cryptocurrency yield farms to that list. A complex investment strategy in decentralized finance markets, yield farming advertises eye-popping passively earned returns. While some investors boast impressive returns, for others the risks are unclear or even undisclosed before they invest, and the advertised returns never materialize.

Classified as: Patrick Augustin, Finance (T), delve, Thought Leadership
Published on: 17 May 2023

Why is being overqualified for a sought-after job at a desirable workplace seen as a drawback? Despite having prestigious educations and impressive work credentials, these candidates get turned down by hiring managers, often before they even get an interview.

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Roman Galperin, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 12 May 2023

One of the largest contributors to climate change worldwide, the agricultural food supply chain crosses international borders and reaches across industries and sectors. Reducing its environmental impact requires complex, high-tech solutions like artificial intelligence—and the people to implement them at the right time, in the right places.

Classified as: Laurette Dube, Mehmet Gumus, Sustainable Growth Initiative (SGI), McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics, Javad Nasiry, delve, Thought Leadership
Published on: 20 Apr 2023

Logically everyone knows that software doesn’t have feelings, but AI chatbots that express emotion—as well as other advanced artificial intelligence tools like

Classified as: Elizabeth Han, Information Systems (T), delve, Thought Leadership
Published on: 14 Apr 2023

What will the firm of the future—and the future of work—look like? In the face of societal and generational change, will organizational hierarchies fall flat?

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Saku Mantere, Strategy and Organization (T)
Published on: 8 Mar 2023

How useful, overhyped, or even detrimental are digital technologies in a crisis? Zoom came in to save the day when work went remote during the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping and food delivery grew rapidly, even doctors’ appointments went online. What can be learned from experiences of crisis-driven technology use, both on an individual and organizational scale?

Classified as: Thought Leadership, delve
Published on: 3 Feb 2023

In the past few years of the Covid pandemic, many people have left or lost their jobs and sought out new ones. Who has succeeded and who hasn’t depends not only on merit and ability, but on who you know—word-of-mouth is one of the most common ways that people learn about and are encouraged to apply for jobs. And who you know typically reflects your gender, race, and other influential differences that in policy terms are markers of diversity. Examining the role gender plays in job recruitment and hiring can lead to a more diverse workforce that benefits both organizations and society.

Classified as: Thought Leadership, delve, brian rubineau, Organizational Behaviour (T), Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Laidley Centre for Business Ethics
Published on: 20 Jan 2023

One of the biggest challenges today for financial institutions is how to meet net-zero climate targets while achieving high returns on investment and satisfying the needs of various stakeholders. What does the road to net-zero look like in the realm of long-term investment, who are the players, and how should the inevitable roadblocks be overcome?

Classified as: Thought Leadership, Sebastien Betermier, Finance (T), finance, delve, McGill International Portfolio Challenge (MIPC), Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM), Sustainability
Published on: 5 Jan 2023

In the high-stakes realm of finance and investment, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria play a larger role than ever in companies’ decision making and commitment to creating shared value. In this accelerated transition toward cross-sector economic change, whose interests are centred and whose concerns are left out of the sustainability conversation?

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Integrated Management Student Fellowship (IMSF), Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Sustainability
Published on: 16 Dec 2022

When most people apply for jobs, they expect the job description to match the job that will be filled. But between the interview and the actual hiring, job duties sometimes evolve. At a time when many people are making career changes and employers are facing uncertainties and struggling to find employees, understanding why jobs change is crucial.

Classified as: Lisa Cohen, Organizational Behaviour (T), delve, Thought Leadership
Published on: 1 Dec 2022


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