Dr.Myers Some Publications

Myers KA, Bennett MF, Hildebrand MS, Zhou G, Hollingsworth G, Cairns A, Riney K, Berkovic SF, Bahlo M, Scheffer IE (2020). Transcriptome Analysis of a Ring Chromosome 20 Patient Cohort. Epilepsia .

Fortin O, Vincelette C, Chénier S, Ghais A, Shevell MI, Simard-Tremblay E, Myers KA (2020). Copy Number Variation in Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 27: 111-115.

Myers KA, Tamon U, Agnihotram RV, Berrahmoune S (2020). Serum Levels of Valproic Acid and Carbamazepine Do Not Correlate Well with End-Organ Dysfunction. Epilepsy Research 163: 106343.

Myers KA, Simard-Tremblay E, Saint-Martin C (2020). X-linked Familial Focal Epilepsy Associated with Xp22.31 Deletion. Pediatric Neurology 108: 113-116.

Le A, Yeganeh M, Buhas D, Trempe M, Myers KA (2020). Monocarboxylate Transporter-1 Deficiency Results in Severe Metabolic Acidosis with Ketogenic Diet in Early Onset Absence Epilepsy. Seizure 74:31-32.

Al-Roubaie Z (supervised student), Guadagno E, Ramakumar AV, Khan AQ, Myers KA (2020). Systematic Review: Clinical Utility of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs. Neurology Clinical Practice 10: 344-355.

Myers KA, van ‘t Hof FNG, Sadleir LG, Legault G, Simard-Tremblay E, Amor DJ, Scheffer IE (2019). Fragile Females: Case Series of Epilepsy in Girls with FMR1 Disruption. Pediatrics 144(3): e20190599.

Borlot F, de Almeida B, Combe S, Andrade D, Filloux F, Myers KA (2019). Clinical Utility of Multipanel Testing in Adults with Epilepsy and Intellectual Disability. Epilepsia 60(8): 1661-1669.

Alhajaj G, Myers KA (2019). Incorporation of Fixation-removal Using Fresnel Glasses in a Routine EEG Protocol. Clinical Neurophysiology 130(8): 1185-1187.

Myers KA, Shevell MI, Sébire G (2019). Sudden Unexpected Death in GEFS+ Families with Sodium Channel Pathogenic Variants. Epilepsy Research 150: 66-69.

Myers KA, Johnstone DL, Dyment DA (2019). Epilepsy Genetics: Current Knowledge, Applications and Future Directions. Clinical Genetics 95(1): 95-111.

Myers KA, Davey MJ, Ching M, Ellis C, Grinton BE, Roten A, Lightfoot PA, Scheffer IE (2018). Randomized Controlled Trial of Melatonin for Dravet Syndrome Sleep Disturbance: The DREAMS Study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 14(10): 1697-1704.

Myers KA, Sivathamboo S, Perucca P (2018). Heart Rate Variability Measurement in Epilepsy: How Can We Move from Research to Clinical Practice? Epilepsia 59(12): 2169-2178.

Myers KA, Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF (2018). Genetic Literacy Series: Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus. Epileptic Disorders 20(4): 232-238.

Myers KA, Bello-Espinosa LE, Symonds JD, Zuberi SM, Clegg R, Sadleir LG, Buchhalter J, Scheffer IE (2018). Heart Rate Variability in Epilepsy: A Potential Biomarker of SUDEP Risk. Epilepsia 59(7): 1372-1380.

Myers KA, White SM, Mohammed S, Metcalfe KA, Fry AE, Wraige E, Vasudevan PC, Balasubramanian M, Scheffer IE (2018). Childhood-Onset Generalized Epilepsy in Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome. Epilepsy Research 140: 166-170.

Myers KA, Lightfoot P, Patil SG, Cross JH, Scheffer IE (2018). A 12-Year Observational Study of Stiripentol Efficacy and Safety in Dravet Syndrome. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 60(6): 574-578.

Myers KA, Nasioulas S, Boys A, McMahon JM, Slater H, Lockhart P, du Sart D, Scheffer IE (2018). ADGRV1 is Implicated in Myoclonic Epilepsy. Epilepsia 59(2): 381-388.

Myers KA, McPherson RE, Clegg R, Buchhalter J (2017). Sudden Death After Febrile Seizure Case Report: Cerebral Suppression Precedes Severe Bradycardia. Pediatrics 140(5) e20162051.

Myers KA, Scheffer IE (2017). DEPDC5 as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Epilepsy. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 21(6): 591-600.

Myers KA, Mandelstam SA, Ramantani G, Rushing EJ, de Vries BB, Koolen DA, Scheffer IE (2017). The Epileptology of Koolen-de Vries Syndrome: Electro-clinico-radiologic Findings in 31 Patients. Epilepsia 58(6): 1085-1094.

Myers KA, Burgess R, Afawi Z, Damiano JA, Berkovic SF, Hildebrand MS, Scheffer IE (2017). De Novo SCN1A Pathogenic Variants in the GEFS+ Spectrum: Not Always a Familial Syndrome. Epilepsia 58(2): e26-e30.

Myers KA, McMahon JM, Mandelstam SA, Mackay MT, Kalnins RM, Leventer RJ, Scheffer IE (2017). Fatal Cerebral Edema with Status Epilepticus in Children with Dravet Syndrome: Report of 5 Cases. Pediatrics 139(4): e20161933 .

Myers KA, Scheffer IE (2016). GRIN2A-Related Speech Disorders and Epilepsy. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Wallace SE, Amemiya A, Bean LJH, Bird TD, Fong CT, Mefford HC, Smith RJH, Stephens K, editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993- 2016.

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