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Updated: Thu, 07/18/2024 - 18:12

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

News Archive 2006-07

11 Jun 2007

>>> Departmental Book Publications!

Michael Silverthorne, retired Professor of Classics, has published a co-authored volume on:

"Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise, edited by Jonathan Israel, translated by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007)"

31 May 2007

The Classical Association of Canada has announced the winners of this year's sight translation contest. Among them are Leon Grek (U2) who has won the national competition in Junior Greek and Andrew Cleland (U3) who came in second in the same competition. Leon Grek also received "Honourable Mention" in the senior Latin, which adds to a wonderful success rate this year.

CONGRATULATIONS to Leon and Andrew!

19 Apr 2007

Come and join the Hirundo Launch-Party, sponsored by the Classics Students Association, the Department of History and Classical Studies. Thanks to everyone who helped to produce this year's volume!

Join the party at 6:00 pm in the Arts Council Room.

23 Mar 2007

The McGill Classics Program and the Centre d'études classiques of the Université de Montréal have the great pleasure to announce that Professor Renate Schlesier, Chair of the Religious Studies Institute at the Freie Universitaet of Berlin and member of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, will be giving three talks in Montreal during the first week of April. This event is taking place through the generous help of the University Seminars Program of the Onassis Foundation (USA).

Wednesday, April 4th (at the Université de Montréal): "Théâtre et culte en Grèce ancienne" 2:30 pm, room TBA

Wednesday, April 4th (at the Université de Montréal): "L'extase dionysiaque: Tradition grecque ancienne et histoire moderne des religions" 7:15 pm, room TBA

Thursday, April 5th (at McGill): "Tragic Memories of Dionysus" 3:00 pm, Redpath Museum, Amphitheatre

23 Mar 2007

The Department of English Visiting Speakers Series in association with the Department of History presents a lecture by Philip Hardie (Cambridge University):

"The Love of Fame and the Fame of Love: Homer to Petrarch"

Monday, April 2, 4:00 pm, Wendy Patrick Room, Wilson Hall (School of Nursing and Social Work), 3506 University Street.

Reception to follow.

22 Mar 2007

We are pleased to announce that Professor Gábor Betegh, of the Central European University in Budapest and the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University, will be speaking at McGill on Friday, March 23, at 3 pm in Leacock 927 on:

"Tale, Theology and Teleology"

A renowned scholar of Ancient Philosophy, Professor Betegh is the author of "The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation" (CUP 2004), as well as numerous articles on Greek philosophy and religion.

21 Mar 2007

Today! CLASSICS CHATS - LES CAUSERIES CLASSIQUES series, with a presentation by Professor Beck:

"The house of Valerius Poplicola and the Fall of the Roman Republic" ARTS 265, 5:00-7:00 pm

22 Feb 2007

The Department of History, Classical Studies and the Classics Students Association announce a unique series of events!

"Sparta: Military, Memory and the Movies"

Friday 9 March, 7:00 pm: Students and Professors visit the premiere of the movie “300” (IMAX), a cinema adaptation of Frank Miller’s graphic novel on the Battle of Thermopylae

Wednesday 14 March, ARTS 145, 4:30 pm: Round Table Discussion on the movie, ancient tradition, and the Spartan mirage in history. The podium includes Profs. Richardson, Gagné, Beck and Classics students

Friday 16 March, ARTS 265, 3:30 pm: Public Guest Lecture by Professor John Serrati (John Abbott College): Sparta in the Cold War

"Come and get it!" For more info, contact Professor Beck or Amanda Lazarus (csamcgill [at]

19 Feb 2007

The McGill Bookstore hosts a reception to celebrate the relaunch of its Classics and Ancient History section!

Friday, 9 March, 5:00-6:00 pm

Students, stop by, browse the shelves and win one of the Classics books prices!

19 Feb 2007

The dates for this term's CLASSICS CHATS - LES CAUSERIES CLASSIQUES series have become availabe:

26 February, 5 pm, UdM: presentation by Professor Benjamin Victor

21 March, 5 pm, McGill: presentation by Professor Hans Beck

All graduate students are welcome!

29 Jan 2007

Ancient History in Florence, Italy!

Where did the Romans get the idea to hold gladiatorial games? From the Etruscans, the inhabitants of Etruria (ancient Tuscany). This summer, you can learn more about this mysterious people. Professor Fronda will teach HIST 407, Topics in Ancient History, Topic for Summer 2007:

Soothsayers and Gladiators. Etruscan Cultural Influence on Ancient Rome

The course will be taught in Florence, and will include visits to Rome and important Etruscan archaeological sites. For more information, contact Professor Fronda.

28 Jan 2007

McGill University Open House 2007

Come and learn more about what McGill Classics has to offer!

11:00 am-4:00 pm, info booth in the SSMU building on McTavish Street.

24 Jan 2007

The Faculty of Arts presents a Maxwell Cummings Lecture by Emeritus Professor Rene Girard (Stanford) on:

"Innocence and Guilt in the Collective Drama of Religious Texts"

6:00-7:30 pm, LEA 232

24 Jan 2007

Public Lecture by Professor Claude Eilers (McMaster University):

"Roman Jews, Jewish Romans, and the Mediterranean Slave Trade"

2:30-4:30 pm, 688 Sherbrooke, room 1041

16 Jan 2007

The CSA hosts a Meet-and-Greet Event - it's a wonderful way to start the new semester and to get to know your profs. All Classics and Ancient History students are cordially invited!

6:00 pm, Arts Council Room

6 Jan 2007

Professor Fronda gives a talk at the 138th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association in San Diego:

"Old Men in the Roman Senate: Career Prospects for consulares in the early 2nd Century BC"

1 Dec 2006

Public Lecture by Professor Egbert Bakker (Yale University):

"Crime and Punishment: How (not) to eat in the Odyssey"

Room tba, 3:30-5:30 pm

8 Nov 2006

The second lecture of our new CLASSICS CHATS - LES CAUSERIES CLASSIQUES series will be held at McGill. Professor Richardson will speak on:

"Some Remarks on Asymmetry and Parody in Gender Relations in Greek Romance"

LEA 14, 5:00-7:00 pm

6 Nov 2006

Public Lecture by Dr. Felicia Meynersen (University of the Saarland, Germany):

"Hermes Kriophoros. A Contribution on Greek Archaic Iconography and Iconology"

MAASS 328, 5:30-7:00 pm

1 Nov 2006

The Faculty of Religious Studies hosts an International Colloquium on:

"Late Antique Crossroads in the Levant: Space, Ritual, Texts, and Daily Life"

For more information, visit the conference website.

18 Oct 2006

2nd Ancient History Movie Evening - all welcome!!!

Didn't like the most recent Troy movie? Come and watch this blockbuster:

"Helen of Troy" (1955), with a dazzling introduction by Professor Gagné.

5:30-8:00 pm, BURN 1 B 39

12 Oct 2006

Public Lecture by Professor John Vanderspoel (University of Calgary), sponsored by the Classical Association of Canada:

"Magic, Sex and Social History in Graeco-Roman Egypt"

11:30-1:00 pm, Room tba

11 Oct 2006

We are delighted to announce a new series of talks organized jointly by the Centre d’études classiques of the Université de Montréal and Classical Studies at McGill:


Meetings will be held twice per term (alternately at McGill and UdM). The first gathering is scheduled for 11 October, 5:00-7:00 pm, at UdM, featurig a talk by Professor Pierre Bonnechere:

"La Xe épigramme de Callimaque : Quellenforschung, jeux d’esprit et images de l’Hadès"

4 Oct 2006

Public Lecture by Professor Hans-Ulrich Wiemer (Giessen/Germany):

"Unlike Helen: The Good Wives of the Greeks"

10:30-12:00 am, RPHYS 12

4 Oct 2006

The Department of Art History and Communication announces a guest lecture by Professor Francois Hartog (Paris) on:

"Times and Histories: About Universal History"

5:30-7:00 pm, STBIO S1/3

25 Sep 2006

The McGill Classics Students Association (CSA) will be relaunched!

An inaugural meeting will be held on 2 Oct, 6 pm, in LEA 808. All Classics and Ancient History students are invited to attend! For further information, you can also contact Sarah Limoges or Amanda Lazarus at csamcgill [at]

22 Sep 2006

Professor Beck co-hosts a panel at the 46. German Historikertag which will be held in Konstanz from 19 to 22 September 2006. The panel on "Feiern und Erinnern. Geschichtsbilder im Spiegel antiker Feste" includes speakers from Canada, Germany and Switzerland.

9 Sep 2006

The Classics Advisor in 2006-2007 will be Professor Richardson. Students should contact him to discuss their courses for the coming year and their program requirements.

1 Aug 2006

Renaud Gagné, Assistant Professor (Special Category), has arrived at McGill! His office is located in Leacock Bldg, room 826 (514-398-8827). Welcome, Professor Gagné!

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