News Archive 2005-06

20 Jul 2006

Professor Beck's courses for the Winter 2007 are now open for registration on MINERVA.

3 Jun 2006

News from the Classical Association of Canada (CAC)

Professor Beck has been elected to serve on the council of the CAC at the Annual General Meeting in Toronto. He will be the representative from Quebec, with a term of office from 2006 to 2008.

19 Apr 2006

Public Lecture by Professor Burkhard Meissner (University of the German Bundeswehr, Hamburg):

"Between Values and Realities: The Experience of War in the Hellenistic Period"

12:30-2:00 pm, Leacock 808

6 Apr 2006

Hirundo vol. 4 (2005) will be published today! A Wine and Cheese Launch-Party will celebrate the event and bring everyone together who helped with this year's marvellous volume.

Join the party at 6:00 pm in the Arts Council Room!

5 Apr 2006

The CD-Rom for Professor Beck's HIST 368: Classical Greece class is out! It contains all sorts of course materials such as handouts, ppts, and assignments - available in Professor Beck's office.

3 Apr 2006

The Department of History and Classics Program are delighted to announce that Renaud Gagné (Harvard University) has accepted our offer for a new position in Ancient Greek Language and Literature. Renaud Gagné is a specialist on Archaic and Classical poetry, currently finishing his PhD on Inherited Guilt in Classical Greece. He will join the department in August.

29 Mar 2006

News from the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP) in Cyprus! Professor Fronda was the project's education consultant, and McGill History graduate student Greg Fisher participated during the 2005 field season. PKAP has just published an information packet concerning plans for 2006 and beyond.

28 Mar 2006

Michael Fronda has won the Robert Vogel Award for 'Professor of the Year in History!' It will be presented at the HSA Wine and Cheese on 4 April, 5:30 pm.

Congratulations, Professor Fronda!

23 Mar 2006

Public Lecture by Professor Benjamin Victor (Université de Montréal):

"Sources of Classical Texts in the earlier Middle Ages: the case of Terence"

5:30-7:00 pm, Leacock 738

2 Feb 2006

1st Ancient History Movie Evening - all welcome!!!

"Scipio Africanus" (Italy 1937), with an Introduction by Professor Beck 6:00-8:00 pm, Arts W-215

25 Jan 2006

Students: McGill administers the CAC Sight Translation Competition (Junior and Senior Level)! For more information, see Professor Fronda.

9 Jan 2006

Public Lecture by Professor Martin Jehne (Dresden University):

"What happened in Roman Voting Assemblies?"

2:00-4:00 pm, 688 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 1041

6 Jan 2006

McGill At Large-Panel at the 137th APA meeting in Montreal, Palais des Congres, 8:30-11:30 am:

"Restless Rank. The Roman Aristocracy Revisite"

Featuring presentations by the Professors Beck, Fronda, and Richardson.

1 Nov 2005

>>> Departmental Book Publications!

Hans Beck has published a new monograph:

Karriere und Hierarchie. Die römische Aristokratie und die Anfänge des cursus honorum in der mittleren Republik (Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2005).

21 Nov 2005

The first active performance of this year's Arts Legacy Program will be held on 21 October.

"The setting is Athens in 404 BC. After some thirty years of more or less continuous fighting in the Peloponnesian War, Athens is forced to surrender. A meeting of the assembly is scheduled the day before the Spartan garrison arrives. The people will need to make a crucial decision: will they continue to run their state on what they understand as democratic principles, or, in the light of Spartan intervention, will they voluntarily give up democracy and turn to a rule of the few (oligarchia)?"

Join the debate in LEA 26, 2:00-4:00 pm and cast your vote!

1 Sep 2005

Hans Beck, John MacNaughton Professor of Classics, has arrived at McGill. His office is located in Leacock Bldg, room 626 (514-398-2234). Welcome, Professor Beck!

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