News Archive 2012-13


McGill Classics is pleased to announce McGill's winners in the Classical Association of Canada National Sight Translation.

Junior Greek (Margaret H. Thompson Prize)

(Xenophon, Oeconomicus, 4.18-20)

First Prize: Duncan McDonald, McGill University

Junior Latin

(Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia)

Third Prize: Gregory Giannakis, McGill University

Congratulations Duncan and Gregory!

16 April

Roman Religion Performance

Tuesday April 16 at 10 am in 150 ARTS

Come join McGill students as they perform a variety of Roman Religious experiences such as the Lemuria, the Evocatio, the Floralia, Pompa Funebris and much more.

9th April

Hirundo Launch Party

The Classical Students' Association is pleased to announce the launch of this year's edition of the undergraduate Classics journal, Hirundo, at the year-end wine and cheese.

6-9 pm, ARTS 160

All welcome!

9th April

McGill Classical Studies is pleased to announce a guest lecture by Prof.Karl-J Hölkeskamp (Universität zu Köln), entitled:

"Political Culture- Career of a Concept: The Case of the Roman Republic"

3pm-5pm, ARTS 145

All welcome!

6th April

Le Colloque Annuel de la Société des études anciennes du Québec

McGill Classical Studies and the John McNaughton Chair are very pleased to host the Annual Colloquium of the Société des études anciennes du Québec. The day-long colloquium will take place in the Thomson House ballroom, from 9:30am-5pm. Full programmeposter here. All welcome!

25th March

McGill Classical Studies is pleased to announce a public guest lecture by Meredith Warren (Faculty of Religious Studies), entitled:

"Second only to Artemis: Ephiphanies in the Greek Romance Novels"

4:30 pm, ARTS W20

All welcome, poster availble here.

21st and 22nd March

5th Annual Inter-university Classics Colloquium

The student associations of McGill, Concordia, and UdeM present a two-day student colloquium, taking place at UdeM. The programme is available here.

20th March

Scenes from Euripides' Bacchae

Professors Lynn Kozak (Classical Studies) and Myrna Wyatt Selkirk (Theatre) invite you to an evening of experimental theatre, presenting scenes from Euripides' Bacchae in mask. Directed by Myrna Selkirk, with masks made by Lynn Kozak, David Whiteside, and students Kathy Leung, Samantha Bickell, Lewis Innes-Miller, Bianca Gabriela Lavric, and Pamela Caccese, from a translation by Andreas Apergis and Joseph Shragge. Starring Leslie Baker, Davide Chiazzese, Jessica B. Hill and Gitanjali Jain.

The performance will take place on Wednesday, March 20th at 7 pm at Victoria Hall, Westmount (4626 Sherbrooke St W), and will be followed by a discussion about this mask-based research with the actors and Profs. Selkirk and Kozak. Admission is free, and any donations will go directly to the actors. All are welcome, hope to see you there!

2nd March

Mask making workshop! Thinking about the conventions of the ancient Greek mask, join Prof. Lynn Kozak in creating "Greek" masks for an upcoming presentation of scenes from Euripides' Bacchae.

12-3:30 pm

Freestanding Room, Suite 300 4324 St Laurent Blvd

All welcome, but please RSVP with Lynn Kozak at lynn.kozak [at]

25th February

McGill Classical Studies and the Department of History and Classical Studies Speaker Series is pleased to announce a public lecture by Kristina Milnor (Barnard College, Columbia University): "Publicizing Roman Women: the Pompeian Evidence Revisited"

Monday, 25th February

3:30 to 5:00 pm

Leacock 808

All welcome!

20th-23rd February 2013

McGill Classical Studies and the Waterloo Institute for Hellenic Studies are pleased to announce the SSHRC-sponsored Seleucid Study Day IV: Seleucid Royal Women, Roles and Representations, which will take place from the 20-23 February in the Nabisco Room, in the Bronfman Building. For more information, visit the website, or email Prof. Hans Beck (hans.beck [at]

Hope to see you there!

20th-23rd February 2013

2013 McGill Classics Play

The McGill Classics Play is pleased to announce its 2013 production, Sophocles' Philoktetes, in an all-new English translation, directed by Elizabeth Ten-Hove, with live original music by David Oppenheim. Performances will take place at 8pm every night (7pm doors), with an additional 2pm matinee on the 23rd, at the MAI, 3680 Rue Jeanne-Mance. Tickets are $12/$8 students/srs/QDF members, and can be reserved by emailing classicsplay [at] For more information, please visit the website. This year's production has been generously supported by the Dean of Arts Development Fund.

Hope to see you there!

19th February 2013

In conjunction with this year's production of Philoktetes, we're pleased to present a public lecture by Prof. Lynn Kozak, entitled "Individual and Institution in the Philoktetes" on the 19th February, 4:30 pm, LEA 638. All welcome, but space is limited! 

19th February

McGill Classical Studies is pleased to announce a guest lecture by Monica D’Agostini (Milan/Waterloo) entitled: "Achaeus the Younger and the Basileia of Anatolia: analysis of the historiographical tradition"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1:00 to 2:30 pm

Leacock 808

All welcome!

18th February 2013

McGill Classical Studies is very pleased to announce an afternoon workshop on "Sight and Sound Onstage in Greek Tragedy", in the Old McGill room at the Faculty Club. Space is limited and papers are pre-circulated, so please RSVP to Lynn Kozak (lynn.kozak [at] as soon as possible. For a full programme, click here.

5th February 2013

McGill Classical Studies is very pleased to announce a public lecture by Emeritus Professor Jan N.Bremmer (Groningen), entitled: "The Orphic-Bacchic Mysteries" on Tuesday 05 February, at 2:30 in EDUC 434. All welcome!

31st January 2013

Classics student Elizabeth Ten-Hove will be performing her own translation of Iliad Book 1 under the direction of Prof. Lynn Kozak at the Freestanding Room at 8pm. Space is limited, so please RSVP!

25th January 2013

Professor Lynn Kozak will be giving a talk entitled "Vue, visions et mise en scène dans la tragédie grecque" at the Université de Montréal, local B-3245, au 3200 Jean-Brillant, at 11:45 am. All welcome.

McGill Classics Play Now Accepting Proposals

We are now accepting proposals for the 2014 McGill Classics Play! Those interested in directing next year's play should submit a proposal with your name, your McGill ID number, the title of the play you'd like to do (it must be an Ancient Greek or Latin play), and a short description (no more than 500 words) of your production concept, which may include venue and music suggestions. Please also include your level of Greek or Latin-- you don't have to have either language, but you must be willing to coordinate with a group to translate the play. Proposals are due by January 11th to Lynn Kozak at lynn.kozak [at] please write McGill Classics Play proposal in the subject line of your email. All are welcome to make a proposal!

27th November 2012

McGill Digital Humanities and McGill Classical Studies are pleased to announce public guest lecture by Gregory Crane (Tufts University, Editor-in-Chief of the Perseus Project, entitled:

"The Humanities in a Digital Age"

Leacock 232

4-5:30 pm

All are welcome. For more information, click here.

26th November 2012

McGill Digital Humanities and McGill Classical Studies are pleased to announce a workshop for students on digital resources for the Classics by Gregory Crane (Tufts University, Editor-in-Chief of the Perseus Project). All are welcome.

Leacock 808

3:30-5 pm

Classical Association of Canada Undergraduate Essay Winners

McGill Classical Studies is very pleased to announce that the following students have won in the 2012 Classical Association of Canada Undergraduate Essay Contest.

Junior Level

Honorable Mention — Jacqueline McGoldrick "A Study in Sanctity: the Symbolic Appropriation of Vestal Identity, or the Correlative Identities of Vestal Virgins and Julio-Claudian Women"

Senior Level

Second Prize - Elizabeth Ten-Hove "Multiplying Voices: A Choral Tradition"

Honorable Mention - Theodore Naff "The Dark Age of Mathematics"


12th November 2012

McGill Classical Studies is pleased to announce a public guest lecture by Dr. Susan Lupack, entitled:

"Boars' Tusks and A Polygonal Masonry Wall: Survey and Excavation at Ancient Eleon in Boeotia, Greece"

Strathcona Astronomy and Dentistry Bldg 1/12

3:30-5 pm

All welcome!

3rd November 2012

The CSA is pleased to announce a field trip with Professor Beck to the Pointe-à-Callière Museum to see the exhibit "The Etruscans". For more information on the exhibit, click here. The trip will meet AT the museum at 1 pm.

All welcome!

29th October 2012

Prof. Lynn Kozak will be introducing Michaelis Cacyoannis' 1962 film Elektra at the Montreal Greek Film Festival at Cinema du Parc, 7 pm.

Hope to see you there!

23rd October 2012

Annual CAC Lecture

The annual Classical Association of Canada lecture will be presented this year by Susanna Braund (British Columbia), entitled:

"Women ventriloquizing women. Explorations and extensions of Classical myth"

Wilson 105

2:00-3:30 pm

All welcome!

22nd October 2012

Greece, Women, Crisis: Then & Now

The Papachrisitidis Chair in Modern Greek Studies and McGill Classical Studies are pleased to announce a roundtable discussion "Greece, Women, Crisis: Then & Now", debating the role of women in times of crisis in Greece, from ancient to modern times, and focusing primarily on depictions of women in Greek film, in anticipation of the upcoming Montreal Greek Film Festival.

Speakers include: Andreas Apergis (Film actor, Scapegoat Carnivale Theatre Company member), Tassos Anastassiadis (McGill Papachristidis Chair in Modern Greek Studies), Élie Castiel (Editor-in-Chief - Séquences - La revue de cinéma, President - AQCC (Association québécoise des critiques de cinéma)), Avra Georgiou (Director, Montreal Greek Film Festival), and Lynn Kozak (McGill)

Leacock 232

6-9 pm

Wine and cheese reception to follow.

All welcome!

14th and 17th October 2012

Euripides' Bacchae

In partnership with independent theatre company Scapegoat Carnivale, the McGill Classics Play announces two events in conjunction with their presentation of Euripides' Bacchae at the Centaur Theatre, running from the 12th to the 20th of October. The first event will be a cast and crew talk-balk after the October 14th Sunday evening performance, featuring McGill's own Elizabeth Ten-Hove, a member of the Bacchae choir, and the director of the 2013 McGill Classics Play, Philoktetes. The second event will be a Classics discussion panel of Euripides' play, featuring Prof. Lynn Kozak (McGill), Prof. Sean Gurd (Concordia) and Prof. Pierre Bonnecherre (UdeM) after the performance on Wednesday, October 17th. Scapegoat Carnivale has generously made both of these events into fundraising nights, with proceeds of tickets purchased through the McGill Classics Play going to support this year's Classics Play. To purchase these tickets ($25/$18 student), please contact lynn.kozak [at] or classicsplay [at], or visit the Classical Students' Association office hours (Leacock 629, Tuesdays 11:30-3, Thursdays 11:30-1) or Leacock 625 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30.

For more information on Scapegoat Carnivale's production of the Bacchae, please visit or For more on the McGill Classics Play, please visit

Hope to see you there, all welcome!

1-3 October 2012

The McGill Classics Play is pleased to announce auditions for the 2013 play, Sophocles' Philoktetes, directed by Elizabeth Ten-Hove.

Auditions will take place October 1 at 12:30 in Leacock 834, October 2 at 3:30 in Leacock 834, and October 3 at 4 in Leacock 617. Audition sides are available at

Email lynn.kozak [at] or elizabeth.ten-hove [at] for more information!

All Welcome! And anyone who auditions will be in the play!

20 September 2012

The Classics Program is pleased to announce a public guest lecture in the Department of Political Science, entitled

"How Plato Overcame The Cosmpolitans"

by Detlef von Daniels (Philosophy, Universitat Witten/ Herdecke)

Research Group for Constitutional Studies

Thursday, September 20, 10:30 am-12, Ferrier 422

All welcome! To read the paper before the presentation, click here.

18 September 2012

The Classical Students' Association and the Classics Program invite you to a wine and cheese to start off the year, in the Arts Council Room (ARTS 160), 6 pm. All welcome!

13 September 2012

First production meeting for the 2013 McGill Classics Play will take place on Thursday at 3:30 in 638. If you're interested in being a part of the play behind-the-scenes, come to this meeting or contact elizabeth.ten-hove [at] Hope to see you there!

11 September 2012

First translation group meeting for the Philoktetes will take place on Tuesday, 11 September at 3:30 pm in Leacock 638. You don't need to know Greek- we always need good English ears! We'll be starting at line 826. Hope to see you there!

7 September 2012

Lunchtime Lecture

by Prof. Stathis Kalyvas, Yale University Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science & Director of the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence

"Coming to a City near you? :Economic Crisis and Social Unrest in Greece and Europe"

Author of the award winning The Logic of Violence in Civil War (Cambridge University Press, 2006), Stathis Kalyvas offers us hindsight in his new research regarding the interconnection between economic crisis and social unrest in Europe from the perspective of contentious studies.

Friday September 7, 11:30-13:00 Arts Council Room (ARTS160) A light lunch will be served, all welcome!

Sponsored by the Phrixos Papachristidis Chair in Modern Greek studies and the European Union Centre of Excellence at the Université de Montréal/McGill University

4 September 2012

Professor Kozak will be holding an orientation session for any undergraduate students entering or switching into the Classics programme, in Leacock 638, at 2 pm. If you are unable to attend this session, or if you are a returning Classics student, please email lynn.kozak [at] to make an advising appointment. Advising appointments are available from the 22nd of August. Welcome new students!

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