Information Session, Training & Workshops


The scheduling team holds "hands-on" workshops for representatives from each academic unit. The workshops are an opportunity for the people filling out CS forms to do so with the guidance of scheduling team members, so they can receive immediate answers to their questions and get any additional help they need. Please note: These are NOT training sessions.

 Please note that our team is working remotely. We are available for one-on-one virtual meetings by request. If you need assistance with DCU and timetable issues, please contact the [at] (Class Scheduling Team)

Class Schedule DCU Training Sessions

IT Services holds "hands-on" workshops for representatives from each academic unit. The workshops are an opportunity for the people coordinating next year schedule to gain the necessary knowledge to enter class scheduling data.

To view times and to register for the sessions, access Minerva:

1) Log into Minerva
2) Go to Employee menu
3) Go to IT Services System Training Menu - Register for training courses for Information Technology Services (ITS)
4) Go to Banner/Minerva option 
5) Register for SIS 397 - Class Schedule DCU Training


DCU Training Videos

 For the DCU training videos and manual, visit the DCU resources section. 

 You must sign in using your McGill credentials

If you require access to DCU, please contact the [at] (Class Scheduling Team)

Additional Assistance

If further meetings or assistance is required by individuals, the scheduling team will be happy to meet on a one-on-one basis.

Please email the [at] (Class Scheduling Team) to book a time.


The efficiency of the timetable process is the result of continuous communication and support between the Class Schedule Office and the McGill community.

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